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Training Institutes

Opportunities and Gaps for NGOs in Community Development Sector

Dear Friend,

Bala Vikasa is pleased to organize one day Workshop  on “Opportunities and Gaps for NGOs in Community Development Sector” on 29 April,  2016 at Bala Vikasa People Development Training Centre, Warangal.

Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) are playing a very critical role in the process of managing development initiatives with commitment to the people’s issues at rural level. Despite their good intentions, a large number of NGOs find it difficult to sustain in the long run i.e. sustainability of organizations as well as sustainability of projects.

The donor expectations are very high for NGOs in producing sustainable results. They expect NGOs to follow global approaches in the project cycle in proper planning, Implementing, monitoring and measuring the impact. However, not many NGOs are aware of these approaches and hence there is a significant gap in the competency and managerial capabilities of the NGOs in meeting donor’s expectations at the individual, community and organizational level. 

On the other hand, Companies Act, 2013 has made it mandatory for certain corporate companies to spend 2% of their net profits for community development initiatives. According to Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, a minimum of 6,000 Indian companies will be required to undertake CSR projects in order to comply with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.  These initiatives will pump in 20,000 cores of Rupees. This brings huge opportunity for NGOs to partner with corporate sector to implement CSR initiatives towards sustainable community development.

This workshop discusses on the expectations of the donors, CSR, gaps the NGOs are experiencing and the opportunities available and the way forward to utilize the opportunities.

Bala Vikasa a secular, non-governmental and professional community development organization with nearly four decades of experience, implementing community programs using effective approaches and creating sustainable impact is influencing communities, like minded NGOs, government and corporate sectors.

Bala Vikasa, intends to organise one day workshop on “Opportunities and Gaps for NGOs in Community Development Sector” on the 29th April, 2016 with an objective of identifying the gaps existing in the development sector and to find opportunities and strategic thoughts to make the way forward.

In order to encourage and support the NGOs, Bala Vikasa is providing food and accommodation at its own cost. The participants will be provided travel up to maximum of INR 800 upon submission of original travel ticket.
For further details contact: 


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