NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Training Institutes

Training on Visual Documentation and Visual Reporting

Bala Vikasa PDTC is pleased to announce a three day capacity building program on“Visual Documentation and Visual Reporting ” from 26 – 28 July, 2016  exclusively to development professionals and Non - Governmental organizations to understand the process of visual documentation and visual reporting for effective communication and  gaining visibility.

Today we live in the world of visuals.   It is said, ‘one visual is equal to one thousand words’.  Visual literacy is important to communicate our mind powerfully to others and also to understand other people’s minds. Visuals help our memory. Visuals save time. Visuals demand emotional participation of the receivers.

How can we use visuals appropriately to communicate with others better? How to create lasting visuals and capture reality so that our communication is effective? These are some of the questions that will be answered at length during this three day training program.

Course Objectives

To introduce the medium of video and photography
To equip the participants with knowledge and techniques to take  quality pictures and videos
To enable them to produce short documentaries involving ‘success stories, testimonies, achievements of organizations and issues faced by the people’.
To familiarize participants with the photography and video editing skills
To help the participants to publish their productions in social media such as YouTube, Facebook, blogs etc.
To enable them to develop an Audio Visual Resource Library in their institutions so that it helps them in training and reaching out to people.
Who Can Participate?

Staff responsible for documentation and reporting, staff in charge of communication and public relations, trainers, animators and all who are interested in communication, documentation and videography.

Course content:

Introduction to Photography and videography
How to take effective photos and capture images through video
Planning a documentary video
Interviewing skills, scriptwriting skills and editing skills
How to publish photos and videos in Social Media
Production of a Photo Essay
Introduction to an online newsletter

Participants are requested to bring their still cameras, video cameras, mobile phones with video facility with more than 5 MP cameras, Laptops for editing their films. This will help you to be more familiar with your own equipments when you return. Those who do not have such gadgets, can make use of available gadgets at the centre.

The total cost of the program is INR 5000. But in order to encourage your participation Bala Vikasa is providing 50% scholarship. The participants are expected to pay only Rs.2500 towards Registration and program cost which includes food and accommodation.  This amount should be sent by DD drawn in favour of “Bala Vikasa People Development Training Center” and dispatch the same by post / courier.

Should you have any further queries on the training program or any other matter, kindly contact Ms. Sunitha Reddy on 09849844868 / 08702453255. Or log on to our for more information on our International Capacity Building programs and other program activities of Bala Vikasa.

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