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CAFOD’s Ethiopia Food Crisis Appeal

An inspiring response from the Catholic community to our Ethiopia Food Crisis Appeal

Patricia Wall - CAFOD Country Representative for Ethiopia: "We asked you to stand together with us, and you did." 

The accounts are not finalised, but we can say that CAFOD’s Ethiopia Food Crisis Appeal to date has raised over £800,000, with more than 10,000 of you donating as individuals, parishes and schools, across England and Wales. It’s been an inspiring response at a time in June when the European Football Championship and of course the EU Referendum, also demanded our attention.

You can still donate  to our Ethiopia Food Crisis Appeal

But our Ethiopia Food Crisis Appeal which launched at the beginning of June is a testament to the unswerving compassion and generosity of the Catholic community across England and Wales. The heart of our appeal has been your generosity, you not only donated in your thousands, but you also showed a commitment and a willingness to be witnesses of putting your faith into action; not jaded because it’s Ethiopia, drought, and another food crisis. Instead you sent out a powerful message of solidarity, dignity and humanity.

Messages of solidarity on social media:The world's media had its 'eyes' elsewhere, but you had yours firmly on the issue. You interacted with us on our social media platforms.  On CAFOD's Facebook page I was so heartened to read posts such as this from Angela - "Our parish is having a special collection this Sunday. Hope the situation improves quickly". And this from Robert: "Give generously, we just don't appreciate how lucky we are."

Find out more about our emergency response in Ethiopia

We've read about the amazing energy of CAFOD volunteers in the New Forest, organising a plant and cake sale, raising £2,500. What a magical effort from all. I was deeply touched to read the words of CAFOD volunteer Henry Rosevinge: “If every plant replica tag heuer and cake we sell can help those affected by the terrifying drought, then every moment is worth it, for the parish, the volunteers and our little village community.”

Your generosity has helped us reach families in need
You have allowed us to support the work of our local partners in getting food, seeds and clean water to vulnerable communities. Already 105,000 people have received seeds, in time for the long awaited rains, which have started in earnest.

But the rains do not mean we stop our work. It will be at least three months before communities will know whether they have a decent harvest or not. In the meantime, we need to make sure that families have access to the emergency aid they need to survive the coming months.

Hear the stories of people affected by the drought

Drought in Ethiopia and other countries in East Africa continue to effect food security. El Niño and the possibility of a severe La Niña means that millions of people remain at risk of hunger, disease and water shortages. So, our programme staff and local partners will continue to monitor the impact on the communities we work with, ready to respond wherever the needs are greatest.  

We asked you to stand together with us, and you did. Thank you for making hope possible for the people of Ethiopia affected by the devastating drought.

Please keep the people of Ethiopia in your prayers

Patricia Wall – CAFOD Country Representative for Ethiopia

Authors: Nana Anto-Awuakye -


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