NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Apne Aap Women's Collective

Support to empower the children in red light area
** Your small contribution can change a life of a child
Children living in the red light areas can be found loitering in vulnerable
With no protection, they easily pulled into Child labour or used by drug dealers as
conditions on the streets of Kamathipura and Falkland road of Mumbai.
Collective (AAWC) is working towards the empowerment of the women and children
couriers and they often mimic the violent acts of the elderly. Apne Aap Women's
In this regard, your small step towards their empowerment will secure the future of
living in the red light district and to prevent the intergenerational cycle of prostitution. a child living in such drastic conditions and to live the dignified life.
You can donate generously using the following link. 


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