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Apne Aap Women's Collective News Letter Jan-Mar 2017

It is with vast delight that I present to you the quarterly e-newsletter of Apne Aap Women's Collective. I keep updating you with such quarterly newsletter since we are glad to be in touch with such amazing supporters. Here are some of our proudest moments from this period.

We were one of two organisations selected for the Gujarat charity bike ride 2017. For three days a bike ride of 350 km from Bhuj Mandir to Ahmadabad Mandir took place to bring awareness and raise money to our organization.

Further AAWC was rewarded the top ranked organization of 2016 by Global Giving. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to both Gujarat Charity Bike Ride and Global Giving for bringing attention to our work. AAWC also received Platinum Certification from Guide Star India, based on the level of transparency & public accountability, after rigorous due diligence carried out by Guide Star team of certification experts
for verifying financial and legal compliance.

In the history of AAWC, first time through Indian Radio Channel we had massive opportunity to spread awareness and decrease stigma and discrimination for the women and children who work and survive in the red right area. Red FM’s “Bajao for a Cause” is an annual program in which they choose 1 social issue and 1 organisation to support by appealing for pledges from the listeners. Red FM chose AAWC amongst many other organisations working in similar workspace and issue. The work of AAWC aired for an entire month of March, disseminating human trafficking, stories of our women and girl beneficiaries. To culminate the success of this 1 month journey RED FM invited few beneficiaries, AAWC Staff and few listeners who had also pledged
either monetarily or in kind for a fun party at their office. One part of their series of surprises was also taking our few girl beneficiaries to meet their dream icon –Bollywood Super Star – Shahrukh Khan. During his meet, he promised a full sponsored trip to Kidzania for all the children at AAWC. I humbly thank all the support that the Team of RED FM has provided and all the listeners.

Visit to Red FM. AAWC staff with Malishka and her team.

Udaan beneficiaries wearing Shahrukh Khan face-masks together with Sharukh Khan

An Honorary Ceremony for our Umeed beneficiaries who attended the beauty parlour training and have been placed in reputed salons in Mumbai was held. I was very glad to be invited to do the honouring of the women with giving them their certificates and a small gift. They shared their experiences of the training and enjoyed a good time.

Warm Regards,
Manju Vyas
Chief Executive Officer

Ms. Manju Vyas with the bikers from Gujarat charity bike ride.

Global Giving awarded us as the Top Ranked Organization of 2016  & we also received Platinum Certification from Guide Star India

EDUCATION: Regular tuition classes with our Udaan girl beneficiaries have continued. This quarter our Udaan beneficiaries attended computer classes where they have learnt how to write Word Documents. Udaan beneficiaries have been preparing for their final exams during tuition classes where they have been showing good remarks.

EXPOSURE VISITS AND SESSIONS:  The mentors from our collaboration with The Lighthouse Project took some Udaan beneficiaries to famous Kala Ghoda Festival. The Udaan beneficiaries liked a black horse made of koyla (charcoal), a man painting, and enjoyed the voice recording room where they sang songs. They really enjoyed this excursion.

RECREATIONAL EXCURSIONS:  Udaan beneficiaries visited garden, art galleries and temples. Beneficiaries saw photographs by photographer Masterji and Rajni Soori. They were shown black and white photographs and explained how they are made.

Udaan beneficiaries racing at the Annual Sports Day.

Udaan beneficiary getting her teeth checked during Dental camp.

EXTRA CURRICULAR - ACTIVITIES:  We organized our Annual Udaan Sports Day combining both of our centres. Games such as lemon and spoon, three-legged, book-balance, tortoise/slow run, running race, skipping race, kangaroo jump race and relay were played. All beneficiaries were full of energy and enthusiasm throughout the event.
Weekly drama, music and art classes were conducted as planned. A very ardent Japanese donor Mikiko spent time with the beneficiaries in making art from waste and a session on Origami.

COUNSELING: ABT (Art Based Therapist) Mona Doctor conducted individual Counseling with beneficiaries to motivate them to attend school, to be respectful towards others, to help cope with death of closed ones and to help channelize the emotions in a positive manner.

CELEBRATIONS:There has been a lot to celebrate this quarter, such as; Republic Day Celebration, Rose and Chocolate Day Celebration (Valentine’s Day), MakarSankranti (Harvesting & Kite flying festival) and Blessing Ceremony of 2 beneficiaries who are appearing for their 10^th standard exams together with their Lighthouse Project mentors and Holi festival.

AWARENESS MEETING: During this quarter, Umeed Beneficiaries have been given information about various subject, among them safe sex and Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.

HEALTH: PLHA (People Living with HIV & AIDS) weight was measured. The outreach for distribution of nutrition supplement was done by AAWC outreach workers. 1 of our beneficiary was referred to Lions Club for free MDR Tuberculosis medication, she has shown good improvement.

CHILD’S FUTURE PLANNING SESSION: Group Discussion Sessions were conducted with the mothers to let them know the importance of creating healthy bond between them and their children and to discuss a healthier future for their children. The beneficiaries participated very well and discussed everything openly.

During the sessions this quarter we have been happy to hear from some Umeed beneficiaries that they do savings every month for their children.

Holi celebration with Umeed women.

Women’s Day Celebration with Umeed women.

EMPOWERMENT: Many bank accounts have been activated. Also Umeed beneficiaries are learning to write their names and surnames in AAWC’s Adult Literacy program. Most beneficiaries can write their names in either Hindi or English.

ON FIELD ACTIVITIES: During this quarter, on field activities or sessions conducted were as follows; Alcoholism and Substance Addiction, Women’s Empowerment, Work Stress, Unity among Each Other, HIV/AIDS Awareness, Personal Hygiene Awareness, Counselling Session on Stigma Against Prostitution etc. Other activities like; safe intercourse and pregnancy and general Yoga training was also conducted in the area.

CELEBRATION: We celebrated MakarSankrati (Kite-Day), Valentine’s Day, Women’s Day accentuating female rights and of course Holi festival.

EDUCATION:  Umang children attended daily kindergarten classes which included e-learning sessions, learning poems, counting, and days of the week through series of games. They continue to learn during weekly educational sessions with our volunteer Marina Dutta. Two of our Umang children have been enrolled for admission in West Khetwadi School. We wish them all the luck in their started studies.

RECREATIONAL EXCURSIONS:  Umang children enjoy their weekly garden visits. Beneficiaries played “The magic box”, it was nice to observe how the Umang beneficiaries had good team spirit and shared thing with each other to complete the puzzle.

ART AND CRAFT ACTIVITY: Umang children participated in making birds by pasting hands with colours, colouring, making flower with carrot, vegetable painting, handprint caterpillar, etc. The art and craft activities are related to the academics so that the beneficiaries are in a constant process of learning.

Umang children competing during our Annual Sports day.

Children get calm and animal friendly during Animal-Assisted Dog Therapy sessions.

Holi Celebrations

CELEBRATION: During this period Umang children have participated in various celebrations. They celebrated and learn about Makarsankranti, where they made kites that they later went out to fly. They also celebrated Sports Day and Holi (picture above). “I was so excited to meet Shahrukh Khan and see the film set. It was really like a dream come true.”- Udaan girl beneficiary.

“I know to write my name so well and soon one day is going to come when with the help of my teachers (outreach workers) I will teach all the women how to write their name in English”.- Umeed woman beneficiary.

“Teacher please give me drawing and colors to take home I will become good boy.” -Umang Beneficiary

~ ngoportal

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