Vote for Me - Global Giving Photo Contest
This message is from Aaina, an NGO in Odisha. In one of their projects Aaina is working with Deaf, Dumb and Blind.... Kindly vote for me NOW
Dear Friends Aaina has been shortlisted in the photo contest by Global Giving, a renowned crowd funding website!!!
The photo was taken as I was getting familiarized for the first time with a female reproductive system.
This was through a special tactile and Braille language based model designed by Aaina.
I may be Blind but certainly not ignorant! I have the right to know it all! Your vote will help Aaina reach the Finals and a chance to win $1000
The contest is open only till May 26!!! So vote for the picture now!!! Visit the site by clicking the link below Thank you so much!!! Aaina Team
~ ngoportal
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