Must DOs for the Registered Association•Designated exclusive Bank account for receipt and utilization of foreign contribution.•Submission of annual FC-3 returns.•Change in members, address, objectives of the association to be reported to Central Government within 30 days.•C...
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FCRA(Foreign Contributions Regulations Act) In India not for profit organizations, who have registered their organization under Societies’ Registration Act/Trust or as not-for-profit companies, who wishes to receive donations from foreign sources need to have the Foreign Contributions Reg...
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Foreign Source•Government of foreign country or any agency of such Government.•International agencies, not being of a) United Nations or its specialized agencies &n...
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Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 1976•An act to regulate the acceptance and utilization of foreign contribution or foreign hospitality by certain persons or associations, with a view to ensuring that parliamentary institutions, political associations and academic and other voluntary o...
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Who cannot accept Foreign Contribution•Candidate for elections.•Correspondents, columnists, cartoonists, editor, owner, printer.•Judge, Government servant or employee of any corporation•Member of any Legislature* Political party or office-bearer thereof relojes de imit...
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