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Call for a Research and Evaluation Partner - Elrha

Funds for NGOs Last date 10 March 2017

Activities: Others

THE PROBLEM:There is an increasing recognition in the humanitarian sector of the importance of engaging local communities in the design, selection and implementation of sanitation facilities. Efforts are being made to better understand not only the physical and safety needs of those affected by a rapid-onset emergency, but also their cultural and religious contexts and how these shape sanitation practices and needs.

However, such efforts are currently isolated, with experiences not well recorded, reflected upon or communicated in a way that can inform and guide sanitation decision-making in rapid-onset emergencies. This makes it difficult to learn from mistakes and share good practice.

There is a need for a comprehensive review of current community engagement approaches, good practice, gaps, and opportunities for innovation. Any relevant examples from both emergency and non-emergency contexts should be included, as well as lessons to be learned and any necessary adaptations for rapid-onset emergencies.

Any review of community engagement in emergencies should include an ethical dimension. Ethical considerations should address both the ‘who’ and ‘how’ of engagement (e.g. the approach that is taken, who is included / excluded, whose views are being heard), as well as the consequences (e.g. the impact on community well-being and any unintended impact of the engagement process).

To help change practice and make the case for increased community engagement in sanitation decisions in emergencies, there is a critical need for more evidence of effectiveness and impact. But monitoring and evaluating community engagement in rapid-onset emergencies is a challenge. This is not only because of a lack of resources and time, but also because there is a lack of guidance around how this should be done in a humanitarian context. There is a need for robust, yet practical and accessible frameworks to help monitor and evaluate the impact of rapid community engagement in emergencies.

THE CALL:We’re looking for a Research and Evaluation Partner to create good practice guidance for designing user-centred emergency sanitation provision using rapid community engagement approaches. The guidance should include information on how to design, implement and measure the impact of the approach and engagement with the affected communities. It should have direct applicability for the decisions humanitarian agencies need to make when designing sanitation in the early stages of an emergency.

The Research and Evaluation Partner (R&E Partner) is expected to carry out the following tasks:

Create a Review of current community engagement practice and approaches (including relevant related/similar notions and concepts) and their appropriateness for and impact on making sanitation decisions in rapid-onset emergencies.
Informed by the Review, develop a framework for monitoring and evaluating the success of community engagement approaches in emergencies.
Share Review findings and initial monitoring and evaluation framework with up to 10 shortlisted Community Engagement Projects at a 2-day Innovation Workshop in July 2017. The framework will be discussed and adapted in collaboration with the teams.
Coordinate and support the data collection for up to 5 community engagement projects around sanitation in rapid-onset emergencies.
Analyse data collected and translate the findings into good practice guidance on how to design, implement, and evaluate rapid community engagement projects to inform sanitation provision in humanitarian emergencies.
Work together with a Dissemination Partner to identify the most relevant format for the guidance so that it brings the most value to its intended users and supports sanitation decision-making in emergencies.
Support the Dissemination Partner to share the good practice guidance with the broader humanitarian community and other relevant actors involved in making sanitation decisions in emergencies.
Write up the Review and project findings in academic paper format with the aim of publishing the study as a peer-reviewed article and presenting it at relevant forums.
Funding of up to £200,000 will be made available for the selected Research and Evaluation Partner.

Applications will be assessed based on their proposed approaches to meeting the Call objectives, their experience and skills, and value for money.
For further details visit the link below: 


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