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Activities: Forest & Environment,Others

The Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre; is pleased to invite applications from suitable candidates for the Joint NAM S&T Centre - ZMT Bremen (Germany) Fellowship in Tropical Coastal Marine Research for the year 2017.
This Fellowship scheme was initiated in January 2008 for affiliation of the scientists from the developing countries with the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), Bremen, Germany [] for a period of up to 3 months to work with its senior researchers and faculty members for upgrading research skills in the fields related to Ecology, Biogeochemistry, Geology,Theoretical Ecology and Modelling, Social Sciences and Tropical Coastal Marine Systems, and undertaking short-term joint research projects. Depending on the research topic, the Fellows can also benefit from the ZMT’s association with the Marine Science Institute of Bremen University, Max Plank Institute for Marine
Microbiology and the MARUM Research Centre in Bremen.
Under this scheme, the NAM S&T Centre sponsors up to five scientists each year. Only one scientist can be selected from any given developing country. While the Centre covers the international airfare of the Fellows from its member countries, ZMT provides a monthly subsistence allowance of 1250 Euros to meet the accommodation and other expenses in Bremen.
Application recommended by the parent institution of the applicant and endorsed by the Focal Point of the NAM S&T Centre in the country may be submitted to the Centre by email in the relevant format.
The last date for submitting application for the Fellowship is Friday, 7th July 2017.
The selection will be made strictly based on the professional details of the applicant, plan of work to be carried out and mutual research interest of the applicant and ZMT. Copies of the guidelines for the Fellowship and the application form are attached (also available at the Centre’s Website The Guidelines may please be read carefully before making the application.
For further information

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