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The Chrysalis Trust Grants

Activities: Others

Tag:The Chrysalis Trust Grants,Funds for NGOs, Funds for UK Registered Organistions,NGO Funding,Grants for NGOs
Apply by 15 Dec 2017 
  • The Chrysalis Trust was established in 2009.
  • It makes grants to UK registered charities providing public benefit.
  • Less popular and harder to fund projects are prioritised.
  • The Trust supports local projects in the North East of England only, national organisations providing benefit across the UK, as well as, international charities registered in the UK.
  • The trust is able to provide support for both capital projects and core funding with 'one off' donations.
  • It is unable to support any project which should or could be funded by a statutory body.
How to Apply:Please use the application checklist to prepare your application
Applications should then be submitted preferably by email to: or

If necessary, applications may be sent by mail to: Sarah Evans, Secretary, Chrysalis Trust, Piper Close House, Aydon Road, Corbridge, Northumberland, NE45 5PW.
What will happen next?

You will receive an acknowledgement that your application has been received.
Applications that fall within the areas of interest to the trustees and pass an agreed preliminary screening process are considered at a meeting of the full Board of Trustees twice a year - usually in June and January, Submission deadlines are 15th May and 15th December respectively.
We may contact you by telephone or email to discuss your application or to arrange a visit.
We aim to let applicants know whether or not their application has been successful within 2 weeks of the trustees meeting at which the application is being considered.
What are the terms and conditions of a grant?

Successful applicants will be asked to sign a simple grant agreement setting out their obligations in relation to the grant.
Grants must be used for the purposes outlined in the application. If the project is unable to go ahead as planned we are happy to consider variations as to how the money is to be spent, however, the money must not be used for any other purposes without our agreement. It must be returned if the project does not go ahead.
Recipients of a grant will be required to provide a report on the funded project to the trustees within 3 months of receiving the grant.
For more information visit:

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