NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Empowering People - Award - Siemens Stiftung

Activities: Others

The Award : Low technological solutions or products for basic supply problems in developing and emerging countries – this is what the Siemens Stiftung is looking to identify. The “empowering people. Award” is addressed to individuals, teams, organisations or enterprises fulfilling certain criteria from any region in the world. Solutions entered have to already be in use or a feasibility study of the prototype has to be made available. The aim of the competition is twofold: Firstly, identify winning solutions that can be further advanced with the developer and have them implemented on site.
Secondly, these innovations will be prominently showcased in a central database on the website as soon as the competition is closed and the entries have been evaluated. All intellectual properties will remain with the developer/developing team. Siemens Stiftung assumes no liability for keeping the entries confidential.
The platform is an ideal opportunity for all the entrants involved to network and further evolve products and solutions if they so wish. Cooperation development organisations, NGOs and institutions may also approach inventors to further their products.


Award Registration

The "empowering people. Award" is addressed to individuals, teams, organisations or enterprises fulfilling certain criteria from any region in the world. Before completing and submitting your nomination, please refer to details on eligibility and criteria for the "empowering people. Award" at Terms and Conditions.

Each section of the following form should be completed; the preferred language is English. Please keep your answers as concise as possible, using bullet points wherever helpful. Please ensure you do not exceed the word count on any question.

Please do not include any additional material as it will not be considered. If the jury requires any further information, you will be notified. Entries should be submitted in English or Spanish. Entries in German, French or Portuguese will also be accepted. Completed forms must be uploaded by 31 December 2012, 12pm (EST).

Please enter your mail address and password and confirm by activating the link in the mail we will send you. By logging onto the site, it is possible to interrupt the sitting and upload files at different times or in different sittings.
Here you will find a checklist of materials that must be uploaded with your entry .. ..

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