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Grants - Positive Action for Children

Activities: Others

The 2015 Small and Large Grants Call for Proposals is now open.

This call is focused on non-governmental and community-based organisations that can deliver change at a community level thanks to their links with or representation of the communities affected. You can find information on how to apply further down on this page.                    

Concept notes should be submitted through the online application system by 23:59 (GMT) on Tuesday 10 March 2015.

There will be a ‘2015 Call for Small Grant Proposals’ discussion group on PACFOnline ( Please use this group to ask questions. We will answer your queries and post all Frequently Asked Questions to this group.

You will need to go through a very simple registration in order to access PACFOnline.  If you experience any problems, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

To receive regular PACF updates, please subscribe to our mailing list here.

2015 PACF Guidance Notes

For each Call for Proposals, the PACF also outline a number of priority areas:

1.Community interventions addressing loss to follow-up in PMTCT: working with communities to address and overcome causes of loss to follow-up of HIV, ANC, PMTCT and paediatric services.

2.Community advocacy for gender equity in education and health, including but not limited to, for positive mothers and their affected families

3.Preventing unintended pregnancies: improving women’s knowledge of and access to Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services and enabling women living with HIV to exercise their right to comprehensive SRH services.

4.Community intervention to keep adolescent and young women HIV negative: targeted primary prevention in community, home and schools to ensure young girls, adolescents and young women who are HIV negative stay negative; with special emphasis through all phases adolescence.                                                                                                                    

5.Early infant diagnosis: using community developed interventions and testing to promote continuing care of infants and young children of HIV+ parents.

Community engagement, participation and/or leadership are mandatory requirements for all Positive Action for Children Fund grants. To be successful, applicants should demonstrate how their proposals meet one or more of these criteria:
•Patient focused and family-centred approaches.
•Greater and meaningful involvement of people living with HIV and AIDS.
•Addressing stigma and discrimination.
•Integrated approach to education, prevention, and care in sexual and HIV health.
•Generating demand for sexual and reproductive health services, HIV services and paediatric testing, care and treatment.
•Advocacy to promote the funding and adoption of good practice.
•Evidence-based and evidence-generating

You can find information on how to apply for funding in the full 2015 PACF Guidance Notes as well as a document outlining our Review Process .

All final decisions about our grantees are made by our Board Members, who are global experts in HIV:

Prof. Catherine Peckham (Chairperson)
Ayo Ajayi
Philippa Musoke
Dr. Ben Chirwa
Anandi Yuvraj

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