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AAUW - Breaking through Barriers for Women and Girls

Activities: Children,Others

AAUW Fellowships and Grants for U.S. and International Women 

AAUW has a long and distinguished history of advancing educational and professional opportunities for women in the United States and around the globe. One of the world's largest sources of funding for graduate women, AAUW is providing more than $3 million in funding for more than 200 fellowships and grants to outstanding women and nonprofit organizations in the 2009-10 academic year. Due to the longstanding, generous contributions of AAUW members, a broader community of women continues to gain access to educational and economic opportunities — breaking through barriers so that all women have a fair chance.

Fellowship and grant recipients perform research in a wide range of disciplines and work to improve their schools and communities. Their intellect, dedication, imagination, and effort promise to forge new paths in scholarship, improve the quality of life for all, and tackle the educational and social barriers facing women in the United States and around the globe.

American Fellowships
Support women doctoral candidates completing dissertations and scholars seeking funds for postdoctoral research leave or for preparing completed research for publication. Applicants must be
U.S. citizens or permanent residents. One-year postdoctoral research leave fellowships, dissertation fellowships, and summer/short-term research publication grants are offered.

Apply for American Fellowships | Directory of American Fellows

Career Development Grants
Support women who hold a bachelor's degree and who are preparing to advance their careers, change careers, or re-enter the work force. Applicants must be
U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Apply for Career Development Grants | Directory of Career Development Grants

Community Action Grants
Provides seed money to individual women, AAUW branches and AAUW state organizations, as well as local community-based nonprofit organizations for innovative programs or non-degree research projects that promote education and equity for women and girls. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Apply for Community Action Grants  |  Directory of Community Action Grantees

International Fellowships
Awarded for full-time graduate or postgraduate study or research to women who are not
U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Apply for International Fellowships  |  Directory of International Fellows

Selected Professions Fellowships
Awarded to women who are
U.S. citizens or permanent residents and who intend to pursue a full-time course of study (during the fellowship year) in designated degree programs where women's participation traditionally has been low.

Apply for Selected Professions Fellowships  |  Directory of Selected Professions Fellows


The current fellowship and grant recipients join AAUW's growing network of more than 10,000 women. To reach an award recipient, contact AAUW at 202/728-7602 or For information about sponsorship and endowments,

The Princeton Review logoPreparing to take your graduate school admissions test?
AAUW has partnered with the Princeton Review for all members to receive a 15% discount on test preparation.


Breaking Through Barriers for Women and Girls

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