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Early Career Fellowships for Researchers in India - Eligibility

Funds for NGOS Last Date 15 June 2015

Activities: Education


You must be in the final year of your PhD studies or have no more than four years of postdoctoral research experience from the date of your PhD viva to the full application submission deadline. Time spent outside the research environment (i.e., career breaks) will be considered but has to be clearly mentioned in the application.

Please note that if the candidates eligible to apply to the Early Career Fellowship scheme hold/are being considered/have a commitment for a faculty position, they are advised to write to the Office with their CV before applying.

You do not have to be an Indian national or of Indian origin. You need not have undertaken your PhD in India.

You must have shown significant promise in your scientific career to date, which includes, but is not limited to; strong academic record, visits to conferences and workshops, and importantly, the vision to develop as an independent researcher.

It is mandatory that applicants carry out their Fellowship project in a laboratory that is not their Thesis laboratory or Thesis environment. If you have compelling reasons to continue in or return to your thesis laboratory, please contact the Office.

Fellowships may not be taken up prior to the completion of a successful PhD viva. The Fellowship must be started within one year of being awarded.

The final year or a majority of the final year of the Fellowship must be spent in host institution in India.

The host Institute in India is responsible for administering the Fellowship. Hence the award has to start in India before the 'Work outside host Institution' option can be availed. However, length of the start period may be negotiated between the Fellow and the host Institution.

It is mandatory for the awarded Fellows to be hosted in the Host Institution for the entire duration of the Fellowship (5 years for Early Career Fellowship). Exceptions will not be considered and the applications in which the applicant's contract with the Host Institution ends before the Fellowship end date will not be processed.

Dual Fellowship Policy

You may apply even if you already hold another Fellowship. However, please note that if awarded, you will be required to make a choice between your current Fellowship and the India Alliance Fellowship. The India Alliance does not permit Fellows to overlap their India Alliance Fellowship with any other national or international Fellowship.

Sponsorship and supervision

You must have an eligible sponsoring institution (Host Institution) in India that will administer the Fellowship for the full duration of the award. The following roles are identified on the application:

Fellowship supervisor: in whose laboratory you intend to carry out the Fellowship project. This individual must have a contract of employment at the sponsoring host institution in India and have tenure beyond the duration of the proposed Fellowship. They should guarantee you access to laboratory space and resources required for the project; as well as provide relevant scientific guidance for the tenure of the Fellowship. This role is mandatory for both preliminary and full application stage. A signed letter of support from the Fellowship Supervisor must be provided at the preliminary stage

Sponsor: Established senior researcher at the host institution; normally the head of department or director of the sponsoring host institution. They should:

  •  Support the application by agreeing that
  • if an award is made, you will be granted the status and prerogatives of other academic staff of similar      stature
  • You will not have to spend more than two hours per week on activities unrelated to the fellowship (e.g.      teaching duties);
  •  hold a contract of employment that extends beyond the grant;
  •  Sign up to the Award Conditions & Policies.

Please note that the Sponsor is required only for the Full application. In some cases, the Sponsor and Fellowship supervisor may be the same individual.

External Sponsor(s): The individual in whose laboratory you wish to utilize your “Work outside the host institution” provision. They should be able to guarantee that the applicant will have access to the facilities required and provide the required scientific support. A letter of support from this role is mandatory at the full application stage.

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