RFP Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihoods - Criteria
Funds for Indian NGOs Last date 4th December 2015
Eligibility Criteria: The following are eligible to apply The Agency should be a registered NGO/Trust/Academic or Research Institute of repute/Government based agencies/ private entrepreneurs / social entrepreneurs/ micro entrepreneurs. Should have experience in the development/implementation of renewable energy and/or rural livelihood projects during the past; Preference will be given for the Agencies having work experience and office in Identified State. Should have excellent planning and organizational skills and ability to deliver services in tight deadlines. The project team should have at least one responsible and dedicated person to supervise and coordinate the projects. Preference will be given to the Agencies proposing a minimum of 5 projects. Instruction for Submission of Proposal: Applying Agencies should strictly follow the instructions mentioned below – i) Submit their proposals at the respective State Nodal Agencies where they want to implement projects and a duplicate copy of the same should be sent to the MNRE. In case an Agency is applying for projects in more than one state, relevant proposals should be submitted to the respective State Nodal Agencies and duplicate copies of the same to the MNRE. The duplicate copies of State-wise proposals Complete in all respects including Part A and Part B should be sent to MNRE. ii) The proposals should be page numbered and indexed (for Sections A, B, C and all relevant documents), and Cover Page should have name of the state, titles of the projects along with the name of districts. iii) The proposals should be spiral bind and be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marking: Proposal for MNRE-UNDP/GEF Project on Scale Up of Access to Clean Energy for Rural Productive Uses, and the Name and Complete address of the Applying Agency. iv) The Postal Address
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