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Ernst Mach Grants - Eligibility

Funds for NGOs
Last date 1st March 2016

Activities: Others

Eligible for application are students who 

a) are studying a master Programme at a university in one of the above-defined countries of origin or

b) are studying a Bachelor Programme at a university in one of the above-defined countries of origin and have successfully completed at least 4 semesters of studies by the time of taking up the grant.

Maximum age: 35 years (born on or after October 1st, 1980). 

Applicants must not have studied/pursued research/pursued academic work in Austria in the last six months before taking up the grant.

A grant can only be consumed once in the frame of this programme.

Proficiency in the language of instruction (German or English), particularly in the respective subject area, is a prerequisite.


The scholarship will only be granted for study projects that can be completed within the scholarship period (max. 10 months).




Applicants have to be accepted as exchange scholars orfree movers from an Austrian University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule). The confirmation of acceptance as an exchange student or free mover has to be enclosed with the application. (Therefore please contact the University of Applied Sciences of your choice in time.)

For more information regarding study programmes at the Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschulen) please access The topics of the study programmes can roughly be summarized as follows: "Economics/Business", "Tourism", "Economics and Technology", "Technology/Biotechnology", "Media and Design" as well as "Health and Social Matters". 

The following documents have to be uploaded with the online application at

• Two letters of recommendation by university lecturers. For these letters of recommendation no specific form is required; they must contain the letterhead, date and signature of the person recommending the applicant and the stamp of the university / department and must not be older than six months at the time of application.
• Confirmation of the home university that the exams passed in Austria will be recognized by the home university (e.g. a learning agreement).
• Confirmation of acceptance as an exchange student or free mover from the University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule).
• Scan of your passport (page with the name and photo).
• Scan of a current Transcript of Records.

Proof of the successful course of your studies in Austria

Scholarship holders have to pass exams corresponding to at least 15 ECTS credits per semester. If the scholarship has been awarded for a period that is longer than one semester, the scholarship will only continue if at least 15 ECTS credits have been gained in the first semester. Proof of this has to be provided by March 15th, 2017. If less than 15 ECTS credits are gained, the scholarships automatically ends at the end of March 2017.


Grants Eligibility 


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