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Call for proposals on River Cleaning by Department of Biotechnology

Funds for NGOs
Last date 15 April 2016

Activities: Others

Background: Rivers are our lifeline, not only in terms of sustaining primary producers and recycling the nutrients to ensure a healthy food chain in ecosystems, but also in terms of their contribution to evolution of human societies and cultures in ancient history and their impact on environment and human health. Indiscriminate pollution of rivers poses one of the biggest challenges and deserves immediate attention. Pollution in rivers is mainly on two accounts municipal waste and/or industrial
effluent and river surface pollutions such as pious refuse, solid waste,disposal of dead bodies’ etc.
Purpose: Application of biotechnology may play a catalytic role in development, demonstration and adaptation of effective bioremediation tools and techniques for waste water management. Aiming to take up biotechnological scientific research/ demonstration projects on river cleaning for providing various possible river clean up options, Department of Biotechnology (DBT) invites project proposals built upon innovative ideas on bioremediation/ biodegradation to address various issues in river
cleaning like:
  • In- situ detection, mapping and quantification of pollutants with innovative approaches like using GPS-based quantitative mapping, sensor chips etc.
  • Replacement of conventional treatment systems with more sustainable options that provide more local benefits.
  •  Demonstration projects on bioremediation technologies having proof of concept for industrial wastewater.
  •  R&D projects on development and demonstration of wastewater specific (like dairy waste, textile effluent, tanneries effluent, pulp & paper industry effluent, sugar & distillery effluent, sewage etc.)effective bioremediation options like natural attenuation to bio- stimulation, bio-augmentation or a combination of filtration, phytoremediation and microbial degradation.
  •  Development of bioremediation technologies for agricultural run-off for removal of chemical fertilizers and pesticide pollution. 
  • Development of new and innovative bioremediation technologies at the source point of industrial pollution. 
  • Mapping of river basin & tributaries for ecological niche and study of its role in pollution as well as in cleaning of the rivers.
Eligibility: Researchers/ Scientists working in the Universities/Academic Institutions/National Laboratories / SIRO recognized Non-Profit Organizations, with sound scientific & technical backgrounds and relevant publications in proposed area can submit applications.
Proposals, which are interdisciplinary and integrative in nature, and focus on a specific area of wastewater treatment, will be given priority. Development of a collaborative proposal with user industry / agencies will be encouraged. Routine open ended pproposals will not be encouraged. 
For full details download the document 
Department of Biotechnology
Ministry of Science & Technology
Government of India

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