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The Bloomberg InitiativeTo Reduce Tobacco Use

Funds for NGOs
Last date 22 July 2016

Activities: Health/Nutrition,Others

A global initiative to reducetobacco use in low-and middle-income countries was launched in 2006 with funds from Michael R. Bloomberg. A competitively awarded grants program is an important part of the Initiative. The grants program supports projects to develop and deliver high-impact evidence-based tobacco control interventions. The grants program is managed by the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) and the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. In the first nineteenroundsof the grantsprogram, 195grants were approvedin 53countries.Which countries are eligible? While applications are welcome from all low-and middle-income countries (as categorized by the World Bank), the Initiative places a priority on countries with the greatest number of tobacco users.  Approximately two-thirds of the world's tobacco users live infourteencountries: China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Mexico, Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt, Ukraine, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Who can apply for a grant? Governmentaland non-governmental organizations based in eligible countries can apply for grants.
1) Governmental organizations include, but are not limited to,national Ministries, state/provincial authorities and affiliate offices.
2)Non-governmental organizations(NGOs) with relevant advocacy experience aimed at changing or implementing policiesincluding but not limited to civil society organizations and educational institutions.
3) Applicants must be recognized legalregisteredentities capable of entering into contractual arrangements, receiving foreign fundsand assuming legal and financial obligations.
4) NGO applicants cannot be the recipients of financial support from any tobacco product manufacturer or the parent, subsidiary or affiliate of a tobacco product manufacturer.  The grants program does not fund individuals. If you are a current BIgrantee please discuss the development of your Project Idea with your Programme Officer before submitting.

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