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3ie Grants - Promoting Latrine Use in Rural India

Funds for NGOs Last date 27 Sept 2016

Activities: Health/Nutrition,Others

3ie, in collaboration with the Research Institute for Compassionate Economics, requests research or evaluation organisations or consortia to submit qualifications for a preparation grant, under 3ie’s new Promoting Latrine Use in Rural India Thematic Window.

This new grant window will support the design and implementation of rapid impact evaluations of interventions aimed at increasing latrine use in rural India. It will support studies that apply insights from behavioural science to address supply- or demand-side factors influencing latrine use. 3ie’s grant window aims to generate evidence on the design and implementation of context-specific, low-cost interventions that can be implemented and scaled-up with the resources available through the Government of India’s current national sanitation programme, Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM; the Clean India Mission), and/or any voluntary household contributions. 

For more information on this call, please read the  Request for qualification (RFQ)  The deadline for submitting qualifications is 18:00 IST, 27 September 2016.

All key documents required for this application are available on the How to apply page.

Grant window process: Grants under this window will be awarded in two phases:

Phase 1: The phase begins with this RFQ. Eight research teams will be awarded preparation grants of US$30,000 each for conducting formative work and preparing an impact evaluation proposal over a period of three months. In this period, grantees are expected to build relationships with the implementing agency and other key stakeholders working in rural India to inform and facilitate the design and pilot of behavioural science interventions to increase latrine use.

At the end of phase 1, each team is expected to submit a formative study report, including a report on the pilot test, and an impact evaluation proposal.

Phase 2: Five research teams will be selected and awarded grants of up to US $300,000 each for implementing and evaluating interventions over an 18-month period.

At a glance:The interventions that will be evaluated must target latrine use in rural Indian settings.3ie encourages applicants to use behavioural science approaches to design interventions for increasing latrine use.
This grant window aims to generate evidence on context-specific, low-cost, interventions that can be implemented and scaled up using the existing resources from Government of India’s SBM programme. Hence interventions costs should not exceed an average of US$20 per household, excluding funding from other sources.
Only legally registered organisations, and consortia of registered organisations, not individuals, may apply for grants under this window.
The grant-holding organisation and principal investigators (PI) may be located in any country. However, at least one PI in the study team must be an Indian national, resident in India.

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