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Call for Proposals on ‘Municipal Solid Waste to Energy’ under Swachh Bharat Mission

Funds for Indian NGOs Last date 31 Oct 2016

Activities: Others

Call for Proposals on ‘Municipal Solid Waste to Energy’ under Swachh Bharat Mission
Call status: Open
Proposal deadline:October 31, 2016

Call Outline:The objective of present call is to develop and demonstrate technologies for sustainable utilization of MSW waste for cleaner and pollution free envirnomet as well as generaton of the energy from MSW. The technological options available for processing/ treatment and disposal of MSW are composting, vermicomposting, anaerobic digestion/biomethanation, incineration, gasification and pyrolysis, production of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). However each of them has advantages and limitations. Their limitations may be slow processes, incomplete conversion and huge land requirement or high energy requirements. Hence the focus of this call is to develop adequate and sustainable technology.

Focus Areas:
The scope of the call will be limited to cost effective, novel and innovative approaches for:
1. Treatment of municipal solid waste (may also include human feces)
2. Biological or/in combination with thermo-chemical routes for generation of clean energy
3. Technologies for conversion of leachate generated from landfills
4. Technologies with minimum usage of resources like water , land and power
5. Resource recovery from waste
For further information visit source:
Dr. Sangita M. Kasture
Scientist ‘E’,
Energy Bioscience Division,
Department of Biotechnology, 8th Floor,
Block 2, CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003,
Ph. 24365438, 
Tags: Funds for Indian NGOs 

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