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Innovation Grants - ILO

Activities: Others

Innovation grants
Last Date to Apply: 25th January 2011 - 5PM  Central European Time
Insurance innovation involves venturing into uncharted territory and taking risks in order to create benefits for the consumers, such as creating new mechanisms for premium collection, testing new ways of verifying claims, using technology to improve efficiency and experimenting with ways to educate consumers.

The Facility awards Innovation grants in order to help institutions develop new micro insurance products and models by covering their start-up costs and some of the losses likely to be incurred during the project.

Projects can be new or already underway, but should be viable at the end of the grant period (max. 3 years) because either they have become self-sustaining or they can draw on other resources.

Who can apply for innovation grants?
Organizations eligible for grants include:

Risk carriers
Delivery channels
Suppliers to the insurance industry
The Facility aims to support collaborations between different types of entities across the developing world, with a focus on Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Middle East. Priority is given to voluntary products for which there is a significant demand yet insufficient supply, including health, agriculture, property, and accumulating value life or disability products.

How to apply?
The ILO's Microinsurance Innovation Facility is pleased to announce its fifth call for proposals. Round 5 focuses on scale and efficiency and is the Facility's last call for proposals.

Please read first the Application guidelines and form - (pdf 1,69 MB) that explains the way to apply.

Applications must be submitted online (Online application) at the latest by 17:00 Central European Time, 25 January 2011.

If you have questions about the eligibility and selection criteria and the application process, contact

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