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Research Grants - Leakey Foundation

Funds for NGOs Last date 10 Jan 2017

Activities: Others

Formal Application:We now only accept applications through our online system. Please click here for links to the application.

A formal application is required for Research Grants. If you are concerned as to whether your research topic is eligible, contact the Foundation at least a month ahead of the application deadline. Relevance of your project to understanding human origins must be explicit throughout your application.

Contact the Foundation office to make sure you have the most up-to-date information. Complete the formal application in English.

Your application must be legible and reproducible. All PDF sections of your application must adhere to the following guidelines. All applicants must use the following formatting instructions.

Applications which do not comply with these instructions will not be accepted for review:

In PDF format, page size appx. 8 1/2″ x 11″
Dark (black) type
At least 12 point typeface (typeface this size or larger)
At least 1/2 inch margins
Do not attempt to squeeze more text onto a page by using smaller typefaces or margins.
Readability is a more important concern than page count for all sections.
Smaller typefaces are allowed in the reference list only.

Data Sharing Statement: The Leakey Foundation, like other funding agencies and journals, believes that transparency, openness and accountability are essential parts of the scientific process, and we expect results/data of projects funded by The Foundation to be published in a timely manner.

The Leakey Foundation also aims to promote the sharing of data in an appropriate manner consistent with the needs of our grantees, but with the recognition that different fields of study require different approaches to data sharing. It is recommended that each applicant provide a brief statement (no more than one paragraph) of how they intend to make the data resulting from their Leakey Foundation grant available to others. The data sharing statement must include a more detailed plan than an intention to publish or present at a conference.

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