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The Asia Foundation

Activities: Agriculture,Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Children,Education,Others

The Asia Foundation supports local efforts to enable women to thrive as entrepreneurs and provide ways for women workers to hold employers and government accountable for fair treatment in the workplace. Women workers in many countries are paid less than men for the same work, face harassment and physical abuse in the workplace, and are often ill-equipped to protect their rights, to overturn discriminatory laws, or to hold governments and employers accountable for enforcement of worker’s legal rights.

 The Foundation collaborates with private and public partners in Asia to support leadership and institutional development, provide technical assistance, organize exchanges, conduct policy research, and develop educational materials. During the past five years, the Foundation has supported more than 800 non-governmental organizations throughout Asia

INDIA: The Asia Foundation's engagement with India dates back to the mid-1950s, when it provided project support for government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and civil society organizations and leaders. The Foundation maintained a resident office in New Delhi from 1962 to 1968; and since then, has continued a non-resident program of support, working to address issues vital to the country's development.In the early years, the Foundation provided books to local libraries, supported fellowships and scholarships for Indian students, and supported research and conferences on India's democracy. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the Foundation arranged and funded short- and long-term study programs and fellowships in the U.S. for several hundred Indian specialists, including many senior government officials and environmental leaders. Currently, the Foundation is working to increase engagement and expand activities through country and regional projects, particularly in the areas of international relations, environment, governance, economic development, and women's empowerment

VIETNAM: Through The Asia Foundation’s support to pilot and replicate a successful micro-credit program, two newly created microfinance centers in Vietnam provided 1,378 loans in the first three months of 2003. This project was launched in two provinces where women and girls are particularly at risk of being trafficked to brothels or into forced marriages.

BANGLADESH: The Asia Foundation supports efforts to strengthen legal and regulatory protections for women workers in Bangladesh’s formal sector by extending the application of public interest litigation and other legal mechanisms to advance the interests of working women.

NEPAL: The Asia Foundation arranged for a team of Nepali women entrepreneurs to study the membership structure, governance mechanisms, and funding of women’s business networks in Bangladesh and India. Following this study tour, the women established a Federation of Woman Entrepreneurs Association of Nepal (FWEAN) and registered with the government. The Federation now serves as a national focal point for women entrepreneurs and advocates on relevant policy issues.


For further details visit Asia Foundation’s website:


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