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The Blau Fund

Activities: Others
The BlauFundThese guidelines are for organizations that have been invited by a staff member to submit further information. For initial applications, see Applying for a Grant.

You may use any proposal format that you wish, as long as you include the following information. The Association of Baltimore Grantmakers Common Grant Application meets our proposal guidelines.

About the Organization

  • Name, address, phone and fax numbers
  • Name, title, and e-mail address of contact person
  • Name and title of Chief Executive Officer or other person authorized to sign grant agreements
  • Information on Board Members and key staff
  • Mission, goals, history, constituency, and key accomplishments
  • Dates of your fiscal year
  • Total institutional budgets for two-three years
    • Previous Year – Actual income and expenditures (unaudited figures acceptable)
    • Current Year – Estimate of income and expenditures
    • Next Year - Projected income and expenditures, if available. [If you are applying for a multi-year grant, you must include these figures.
For income, please show major funding sources, by name and amounts. For expenditures, please show clearly expenses for fundraising, administration, and program.

If applicable, please provide a short narrative that explains anticipated sources of support, planned fundraising campaigns or events, significant changes in the organization’s operating budget, or other financial line items that may be unclear.
  • IRS tax status determination letter
  • Most recent audit and/or annual report

For a General Support Request

  • Amount requested and grant period
  • Plans and priorities for the year for which funding is requested
  • Anticipated outcomes or results of the proposed activities and how your organization assesses such results

For a Project Grant

  • Statement of need for project and past accomplishments, if applicable
  • Description of activities to be carried out
  • Anticipated outcomes or results of the proposed activities and how your organization assesses such results
  • Amount requested and grant period.
  • Qualifications of pertinent staff
  • Project budget for three years
    • Previous Year – Actual income and expenditures (unaudited figures acceptable)
    • Current Year – Estimate of income and expenditures
    • Next Year - Projected income and expenditures, if available. [If you are applying for a multi-year grant, you must include these figures.]
For income, please show major funding sources by name and amounts. For expenditures, please show clearly expenses for fundraising, administration, and program.

If applicable, please provide a short narrative that explains anticipated sources of support, planned fundraising campaigns or events, significant changes in the organization’s operating budget, or other financial line items that may be unclear.
  • Statement as to how the program will be sustained after the grant period is over

For a Renewal Request (current grantees only)

We want our initial application process to be as straightforward as possible. If you have already prepared a proposal on your program, by all means send it to us. If not, a two or three page letter of intent is fine. We are also happy to accept initial applications that conform to the Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers [ABAG] Common Grant Application. Your initial application should include the following:

Information about the programs(s) for which funding is requested
  • Need, purpose, activities, and evaluation plan of the proposed program(s)
  • Program budget (including sources of anticipated income as well as expenditures) and timeline
  • Dollar amount of funding requested

Information about your organization

  • History, mission, and key accomplishments
  • Information on Board members and key staff
  • Current institutional operating budget (including major sources of revenue as well as expenditures)
  • Copy of your IRS tax status determination letter or information about your fiscal agent
Each of the foundations meets independently three or four times a year to consider proposals. You should address your letter of intent or proposal to the President of the foundation whose areas of interest most closely match your program (see Contact Us). If you need assistance in deciding where to apply, see Frequently Asked Questions.Letters of intent and proposals are accepted on a rolling basis. Your application will be acknowledged by postcard within two weeks.

Because of the large volume of requests for support, we can only invite a small number of organizations to submit additional materials for consideration. If a staff member contacts you with a request for further information, please use our full proposal guidelines, or the Common Grant Application.
Regretfully, we do not provide support for:
  • Grants or scholarships to individuals.
  • Unsolicited proposals for academic, scientific, or medical research.
  • Direct mail, annual giving, membership campaigns, fundraising and commemorative events.
The foundations rarely make capital grants unless there is a prior relationship with the applicant organization.

Geographic Limitations
Each foundation has a different set of geographic priorities. The information provided on each foundation describes its program areas, funding priorities, and geographic focus. To view this information in summary form, please refer to our Program Priorities Index.


For further details see the following website:

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