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ArvinMeritor's Culture of Social Responsibility

Activities: Others

ArvinMeritor's Culture of Social Responsibility

Community service is ingrained in ArvinMeritor’s culture. We will do what is right and deliver on our commitments to our… communities – this is a core value for our company, and it carries over to every level of our organization. Our successful model for global community involvement activities, which includes Board of Directors’ oversight, is unique to our industry.

Employees are the foundation of ArvinMeritor’s strong culture of social responsibility, volunteering and helping to raise funds for a variety of important and charitable causes worldwide. Each site has its own local strategy and plan of action for volunteerism. From Zhenjiang, China to Laurinburg, North Carolina – and everywhere in between – we care about the communities where we live and work.  For further details visit:

ArvinMeritor’s policy is to assume the duties and responsibilities of a good corporate citizen worldwide. A portion of these duties and responsibilities will be discharged by an annual investment of part of the corporation’s earnings in philanthropic activities.

ArvinMeritor’s philanthropic programs focus on education and the communities where our employees live and work.

With regard to education, we will support engineering and technical schools worldwide in order to increase the number of engineers and scientists available for recruitment into the field of automotive engineering, and to stimulate technological development and innovation in this field.

In our corporate communities, we seek to utilize our human and financial resources in partnership with local, private and public agencies in order to achieve measurable improvements in the quality of life. We do this through a focus on education, cultural programs, civic responsibility, and health and human services.

We also give consideration to organizations whose programs and policies foster an environment supportive of business activity and competitive opportunities for ArvinMeritor.

Groups and programs we do not support:

  • Organizations that do not hold non-profit status
  • Individuals
  • Organizations that limit participation or services based on race, gender, religion, color, creed, age or national origin
  • Projects without ties to a community that is home to an ArvinMeritor facility
  • Organizations that pose any conflict with the goals and mission of ArvinMeritor, its employees, communities or products
  • Operating expenses for United Way local agencies, except through our support of annual United Way campaigns
  • Sponsorships of fund-raising activities by individuals (for example: walk-a-thons)
  • Requests for loans or debt retirement
  • Religious or sectarian programs for religious purposes
  • Labor, political or veterans organizations
  • Fraternal, athletic or social clubs
  • Seminars, conferences, trips or tours

ArvinMeritor invites qualified non-profit organizations to submit proposals that meet the criteria outlined below.

1. Please review our guidelines, noting our program focus and the types of programs we do not support.

2. Provide a response to these questions:

  • What issue does your proposal address?

  • What is the goal of your program? Please be specific.

  • What qualifies your organization to address this issue?

  • Whom will this program serve?

  • How does your proposal correlate with ArvinMeritor's guidelines?

  • What specifically are you requesting from ArvinMeritor? Please provide a rationale for both the request and the amount requested.

  • What are the key milestones and dates associated with this program?

  • Explain how your organization will measure the success of your program.

  • How will you continue this program after ArvinMeritor's support ends?

  • What other organizations currently support this program?

  • What does your organization expect from ArvinMeritor in the future?

3. If submitting a proposal in writing, send a brief letter outlining your proposal and responding to these questions, along with any of these attachments:

  • Proof of nonprofit status – a copy of your organization's IRS tax exempt 501(c) (3) letter* 
  • Recent information about your organization
  • Annual report
  • Leadership, including volunteer boards
  • Descriptions of current programs
  • Budgets (organization and project)
  • Current financial statement*
  • List of current and proposed contributions
  •         * Required Items

Please direct requests and inquiries to:

Community Relations
2135 W. Maple Road
Troy, MI 48084-7186
Tel: (248) 435-7907
Fax: (248) 245-1031




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