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European Science Foundation

1, quai Lezay-Marnésia, BP 90015F-67080, Strasbourg Cedex, France -
33 (0) 388767100 Fa

Activities: Forest & Environment,Education,Research & Doc

1, quai Lezay-Marnésia, BP 90015, F-67080, Strasbourg Cedex, France - Tel.: +33 (0) 388767100 - Fax: +33 (0) 388370532  


The  programme offers grants to enable junior scholars, both at the doctoral and postdoctoral level to attend one of the programme’s workshops and thus meet scholars who are active in their own field. Applicants are not required to submit a paper to the workshop

Travel grants - Call for applications

Applications should be submitted to the Programme Coordinator no later than three months before the workshop.
Applications should consist of:
a) the reasons for participating in the workshop (max. one page)
b) a description of the applicants’ research project (max. one page)
c) a letter of recommendation by a specialist in the field (e.g. your supervisor)

The applications will be evaluated by the Steering Committee


  1. Grants will be awarded to Ph.D. students and scholars at the post-doctorate level on the basis of academic merit
  2. The applicant’s research should be thematically relevant to the theme of the workshop

The programme addresses four main topics:

  • Mechanics, machines and natural philosophy
  • Mind and Body
  • Anatomy of scientific thought: logis and method
  • Contexts and contents of natural philosophy

ESF criteria

Priority will be given to applications from scholars residing in countries that financially support the NPHS programme (Belgium, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom). The Executive Committee commits itself to maintaining a regional balance in awarding the grants.

Level of award

The grant will cover hotel expenses and/or travel expenses up to a maximum of 500 EUR for attending the workshop

Applications should be submitted to:

Radboud Universiteit NijmegenFaculteit WijsbegeerteNijmegenNetherlands

Phone: +31 (0)24 3612161

For further details visit

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