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The Faiths Act Fellowship - Tony Blair Faith Foundation

Activities: Others

The Faiths Act Fellowship is a year-long, paid international Fellowship that brings together exceptional future leaders inspired by faith to serve as interfaith ambassadors for the United Nation’sMillennium Development Goals (MDGs).Faiths Act Fellows build partnerships across faith lines in their home countries to show the world how faith can be a positive global force in the 21st century. Faiths Act Fellows work in local NGOs to mobilize communities to take part in MDG-focused, multi-faith action. Fellows receive a stipend and health benefits throughout the Fellowship year.The Faiths Act Fellowship is a program of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation in collaboration with Interfaith Youth Core.To be eligible for the Faiths Act Fellowship, applicants must be between the ages of 20 and 27 on July 1, 2011. Applicants must also be a citizen or legal resident of the United Kingdom, Canada, India, or the United States. Fellows are legally employed by NGOs in each country and will be required to provide documentation of citizenship or legal residency for tax purposes.There are many ways that you could get involved in the Faiths Act campaign. You can sign the Faiths Act Declaration. You can take part in Global Briefings, monthly web- and teleconferences that connect volunteers around the world with global leaders in faith and development. You can host a Faiths Act event by bringing people of different faiths together to take action against poverty and disease. Our website contains a toolkitwhich gives you everything you need to make your event a success.The Fellowship is open to anyone motivated to advance the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through multi-faith action and service. All young people of faith and no faith that meet the eligibility criteria are invited to apply to the Fellowship.

See the video in the following link:

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight international development goals that all 192 United Nations member states have agreed to achieve by 2015. These goals include reducing extreme poverty, reducing child mortality rates, fighting disease epidemics such as HIV/AIDS and malaria, achieving universal primary education, improving maternal health, and creating a global partnership for development. More information can be found on the United Nations MDG site.No specific skills, background, or technical experience are necessary to be eligible for the Fellowship, but the selection committee values particular qualities in applicants that may be demonstrated through past experience: commitment to service and helping others, ability to work well in a collaborative environment, aptitude for leadership, good communication skills, openness to working with people of difference, humility, flexibility, and adaptability.

Fellows serve a total of 11 months, beginning in July 2011, and ending June 2012. This includes a two-week orientation in Fellows’ placements cities and one month of training in London. Fellows work on the ground in their placement cities for 10 months, from September 5, 2011, until the end of the Fellowship year on June 30, 2012. Alumni of the Fellowship have many opportunities available to them as part of the alumni program after the end of their Fellowship year.Applications need to be submitted on or before December 31, 2010. Only complete applications from eligible candidates will be considered for the program.Applications are completed and submitted online. To apply, applicants are required to register by filling in their e-mail address and providing a password. This will allow them to begin the application and return at a later time to complete and submit it.The application asks applicants to provide information about their background and past experiences (including educational history, employment history, involvement in volunteer or service initiatives, leadership history, publications and presentations) and compose a number of short essays. Applicants must also provide contact information for two (2) individuals who will complete reference forms on their behalf. Incomplete applications will not be read by the selection committee.

The deadline to submit applications is December 31, 2010. You will automatically receive an e-mail when you submit your application informing you that your application has been received. The selection committee will review complete applications in January, and begin to contact applicants about the status of their candidacy for the Fellowship by the end of January.The selection committee will select a number of applicants to advance to the second round of selection. During this round, candidates will be interviewed via telephone. Following all phone interviews, a final list of candidates will be invited to participate in in-person interviews in a city in their home country. Candidates invited to participate in in-person interviews are expected to cover all of their own costs (such as travel and lodging).Faiths Act Fellows are paid a stipend for their work. The program also provides health insurance coverage and covers Fellowship-related travel expensesFellows receive a stipend commensurate with that of an entry-level NGO employee in the city where s/he is employed.If accepted into the program, all costs associated with Fellows’ involvement in the training program, including travel, food, and lodging will be covered.Fellows are responsible for making their own living arrangements in their placement city. We highly recommend you secure housing for yourself in the two-week period you spend visiting your host community before training in London begins.Applicants are placed in a city in their country of citizenship or legal residence. (Cities in each country are to be determined.)The Faiths Act Fellowship selection committee weighs a number of factors in determining city placements, including Fellows’ pairings and skills, and host organizations’ needs and fit with Fellows. Once accepted into the program, Fellows may request to be placed in one of the placement cities, but no guarantees can be made that requests will honored.There are one or two placements in African countries (countries are to be determined). All applicants from Canada, India, UK, and US are eligible for Africa placement. To be considered for Africa placement, applicants must complete the short section on Africa placement on the application.Day to day, you will be working closely with one other Fellow, your site partner. Your work as a pair, however, contributes to and depends upon the work of all 30 Fellows. The group as a whole will pursue common objectives and serve as a source of support and advice for one another.Fellows work to increase multi-faith action in their placement communities and achieve the MDGs by advancing their host organization’s goals. Fellows’ particular project is determined based on the work plan devised by the host organization and program staff. Typical projects may include implementing fundraising initiatives, running advocacy campaigns, or coordinating multi-faith service initiatives in their communities. In addition, a proportion of Fellows’ time each week (an average of 4 to 8 hours per week) is devoted to interfaith leadership coaching sessions and participation in global Faiths Act initiatives (as they arise). In line with the signature campaign of Faiths Act, all Fellows will also participate in or organize a World Malaria Day (April 25th) event or initiative.Fellows will increase the number and quality of multi-faith partnerships in their communities. Through their work with faith communities, Fellows will help to advance the MDGs and take steps to end extreme poverty.Fellows complete a rigorous, month-long training and orientation program in London, consisting of coursework on interfaith leadership, the MDGs, and skills such as event planning, fundraising, marketing, and communications. Then, during the Fellowship year, Fellows undergo an ongoing interfaith leadership and personal development coaching curriculum and receive one-on-one interfaith mentoring. This coaching bolsters Fellows’ capacity for interfaith outreach and mobilization and supports Fellows in their personal interfaith leadership development.Host organizations designate a staff supervisor who is responsible for guiding Fellows’ day-to-day work, progress toward their project goals, and professional development. Host organizations will also provide Fellows with additional training on their particular MDG focuses, projects, and/or on any special content Fellows will need to perform their work.The program will provide media support for Fellows, opportunities to be involved in global Faiths Act initiatives, and will also connect Fellows to one another so that they can share expertise and support each other in their work across the program.As a Fellow, you will meet and develop strong relationships with young people from around the world. You will learn about development issues and the interfaith movement to combat extreme poverty. You will gain on-the-job experience and interfaith organizing skills working in a leading NGO. You will gain access to networks of other young interfaith leaders and opportunities open only to program alumni. You will make a difference in the world.Faiths Act Fellowship alumni are part of an elite network of young interfaith leaders. Alumni have access to international speaking engagements, invitations to conferences, select job listings, and many other special opportunities. Alumni also have the opportunity to advise program staff on matters of program design and selection of future Fellows.We invite you to contact us for more information about becoming a Faiths Act Fellow.

 Learn more about the program on the web at, or contact us by phone or email. Canada, U.K., and U.S.: email:, Ph: +1 312 573 8901 India: Simmi Kher,, Ph: +919818152490


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