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Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation - Tobacco Control Awards

Activities: Others

Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation

Announces Tobacco Control Awards

Last date to receive Applications: April 22, 2011.

Prevention, protection and planning for a brighter future!

The Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation is a non-profit initiative created to support
enterprising individuals and innovative organisations. Its goal is to promote
excellence among individuals, improve the quality of life for those living on the
edges of the society, and to protect and promote traditional culture and art forms.

A cause that we, at the Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation, are strongly committed to is tobacco control. As part of our commitment to this work, we are pleased to announce the second edition of the Tobacco Control Awards.

The awards are presented in two forms:

Grant for NGOs:

An amount of Rs. 5 lakh awarded to non-profit organisations doing
excellent work in the field of tobacco control. The focus is on organisations working in rural and small town areas (population less than 1 million). A maximum of five grants will be awarded to deserving organisations.

Award for Individuals:  

Awarded to individuals, who have made their mark in the area
of tobacco control. Individuals will receive a cash reward of Rs. 1 lakh with up to five individuals awarded.

Please visit for entry forms and more details on the
application process.

In partnership, we can provide for a tobacco-free future!

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