NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal database, ngo funding agencies, ngo india, indian ngos, international ngos, ngo training institutes
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Colours Foundation

Near BSNL Telephone Exchange, TTI
Andamans, Andaman & Nichobar
Contact: Smti. Rubi Afsar ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9679568655
Website: Not Available


VISION: To identify and work with the impoverished, weaker and vulnerable sections of the society to find solutions to the challenges threatening their lives with the ultimate aim of establishing an aware, responsible and developed society based upon equality, fraternity and social justice, ensuring sustainable and holistic development with emphasis on human rights, and a culture of social service through creating synergy and building strategic partnership with the Government, NGOs (non-government organisations), SHGs (self help groups), CBOs (community based organizations) and various National and International organizations by planning appropriate downstream and upstream interventions.
AIMS AND OBJECTS: The aims and objects for which the Society is established are the following:
1. Education, Research and Training: i. To promote education, especially girl education. ii. To conduct educational, environmental and sociological studies. iii. To promote use of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) for socio-economic development of the community. iv. To organize Training and refresher programmes for the volunteers and officials of different Non Government Organisations to strengthen the development skills of trainees through IEC (information, education and communication) which they can use in the development sector. v. To disseminate information and knowledge, to edit, publish, and print literature and documents, maintain libraries, and to organise seminars/ conference/ meetings etc. vi. To promote participation of youth (unemployed as well as students) in income generation activities. vii. To establish educational, professional and vocational institutions that would strengthen the developmental process. viii. To organise lectures, seminars and workshops to help or strengthen the character building process. ix. To develop a society for conducting programs of welfare and development of commons with emphasis on socially deprived categories including SC, ST, OBC, Women, Children Aged & Handicapped.
2. HEALTH i. To spread awareness about STD and HIV/AIDS and work for the welfare of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs). ii. To work in the field of reproductive and Child Health Services. iii. To create awareness about communicable and vector-borne disease control measures through better hygiene and sanitation. iv. To narrow the difference between the health status of people on the basis of their religion, region, caste, class and gender.
4. DEVELOPMENT: i. To promote social welfare activities with special emphasis on women empowerment. ii. To work for the betterment of weaker sections viz. SC/ST, women, children, senior citizens, and disabled etc. with a vision of social justice. iii. To speed up the process of rural development and strengthen the agricultural, horticultural and animal husbandry sector. iv. To eliminate child labour, child trafficking, and child abuse and focus on the education and resettlement of these deprived children. v. To form Self Help Groups and Cooperatives and run income generation activities by linking them with banks through micro-credit. vi. To take up programs on rural development, health & sanitation. awareness generation, rehabilitation of special need group programs of social defend, environment protection & Allied programs. vii. To organize various training programmes for children, unemployed youths to improve their skill for getting employment. viii. To take up programs of entrepreneurship development, SHGs, Socio-economic programmers, Khadi & Village Industry & other production and marketing activities in collaboration with financing institutions for the benefit of poor especially women, SC, ST, Rural Areas & Physically Handicapped. ix. To take up the programs of welfare and development in collaboration with individuals and agencies of local national & International Level.
5. To fight against social wrongs like discrimination and harassment based on gender, caste and class.
6. To create awareness among people about functioning and powers of PRIs (Panchayati Raj Institutions) and increase people’s participation in democratic institutions.
7. To create awareness about disaster management.
8. To fight against corruption and make people aware about their legal and consumer rights.
9. To collaborate with corporate houses to fulfill the social responsibilities.
10. To take up such other programs/projects as may be decided by the Executive Body from time to time. 
CORE VALUES: Humanitarian: We believe in the provision of humanitarian assistance to people wherever it is needed to relieve suffering and sickness. Professional: Our staff, members and partners are professional people committed to providing high quality training and expertise in disaster relief and rehabilitation. Impartial: We work with people regardless of race, religion or political affiliation. Inclusive: We believe that partnerships with individuals, other organizations and communities promote creative and fruitful initiatives. Impact: We believe that people in communities and aid agencies should be empowered to develop skills for immediate and future disaster response. Respect: We believe people affected by any social or medical can and should be empowered to contribute to relief, rehabilitation and development efforts.
Tag: NGO database 

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