1410 SECTOR 16-17 HISAR
Hisar, Haryana
Contact: Secretary ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9416036039
E-mail: isbti.org@gmail.com
Website: www.isbti.org
Indian Society of Blood Transfusion & Immunohaematology (ISBTI) was established in October 1972 as a result of the deliberations of Blood Donor Motivators who had assembled in Chandigarh for a conference on voluntary blood donation. The society was formed with the object of making safe blood available to every needy patient so that no one dies for want of blood. Keeping in view the National Blood Policy, ISBTI carries out activities as stipulated in the National Guidelines for voluntary blood donation with: VISION “Safe blood should be waiting for the patient... ....not the patient should be waiting for the safe blood” MISSION “To achieve 100% Voluntary Blood Donation and to attain Quality Standards in Blood Transfusion Services”
• To create awareness of safe blood.
• To create awareness of need to donate blood regularly.
• To create awareness of Healthy Lifestyle and maintaining Hb levels.
• To ensure availability of safe blood through voluntary blood donation.
• To ensure safe blood transfusion services by clinicians in blood banks & hospitals.
• To ensure quality collection, processing and storage of blood & blood components.
• To create awareness of appropriate use of blood and blood components.
• To ensure active participation of the community by motivating:  People to become Blood Donors  Blood Donors to become Motivators  Motivators to become Camp Organizers