p o box 40688 lusaka zambia
Contact: emmanuel juma ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 260969780885
E-mail: emmanueljuma2@gmail.com
Website: Not Available
Children,Education,Sponsorship/Adoption,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Aged,Youth,Human Rights
d) Introducing ways of involving disabled children, and youths in decision making and giving them greater control over their live.
e) To develop a range of accommodation option so that disabled young people can live independently.
f) To Provide and evaluate educational initiatives about sexuality softly and relationship for disabled children and youth.
g) To ensure the ministry of youth affairs and ministry of social policy undertake a leadership role in promoting the participating of disabled children and youths.
h) To ensure that criteria and consideration for the health and reproduction related treatment of disabled man and women are the same as for non-disabled woman.
i) To encourage the emergence of non-disabling society that respect and highly values the live of disabled people and support inclusive communities.
j) To ensure rights for disabled people.
k) To Uphold and promote the rights of disabled people.
l) To Foster leadership by disabled people.
m) To acknowledge the experience of disability a form of specialised knowledge and strengthen the leadership of disabled people.
n) To Foster an aware and responsive public service.
o) To ensure the government agencies publicly funded services and publicly accountable bodies (such as territorial authorities) are aware of the responsive to disabled people.
p) To Collect and use relevant information about disabled people and disability issues.
q) Improve the quality of relevant disability information collected, analysed and used including regular national surveys of activity limitation.
r) Improving disability support services.
s) To create long term support system centred on the individual.
t) To create a quality assessment and service delivery system that centres on disabled people ensures their participation in assessment and services delivery has invisible borders easy to access.