NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Jay Kay Women Welfare Society

299 Nai Basti Satwari Jammu, J&K
Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir
Contact: Tilak Raj Sharma ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 07298140241


 To design and implement educational programmes in rural school drop-outs. We have been executing the project programme viz. EU programme of Improvement of the Educational aspects of neglected children in 2 Blocks of Doda Distt with the support of “save the Children” BRB since last so many years.
 To facilitate the process of empowerment of the poor , the marginalized and the women who are the poorest among the poor and help them to come out of the vicious cycle of poverty, injustice, exploitation and from deprivation of basic human rights and to encourage peoples participation in the process of their own development in sustainable manner thought promotion of people’s organization.
 To create Socio-economic-cultural-political awareness among people and strengthening Community, organizations, Local bodies, and Panchayati Raj Institutions for effective self governance.
 To organize people, especially the women, to take initiative for their lawn development.
 To motivate people for judicious utilization of local resources.
 To promote organized marketing of peoples handicrafts for giving impetus to the traditional crafts and culture especially the Women and literally depressed people.
 Improve economic status of ST/Sc and marginal sections of society through Employment Generation, skill Development ,and liaison of capital management. In general to provide and arrange need based training to the rural folk, men and women to upgrade their knowledge and improve their skill to become socio-economically self reliant.
 To take action against environment pollution and harnessing the power of nature through proper utilization of renewable energy.
 To promote, nutritional activities to combat be nutrition especially among women and children, conservation and management of natural resources through community participation.
 To work for the sustainable development of the people through participatory process.
 To promote primary heath care facilities for rural poor people by establishing suitable health. Also to create consciousness and awareness about family planning programmes & Awareness of AIDS and Family Welfare Programmes.
 To undertake rehabilitative services for mentally and physically handicapped particularly, for visually handicapped orphans and the aged.
 To run Nature Cure & Yoga Training Centre, Family Counselling Centre, an national integration activities in Schools & Colleges.
 To strive for forestation programme and for preserving and enriching rural environment through education.
 To provide health care services with emphasis to improve status of women’s health and children.
 To provide Health Education, Child Care, Community Health and Rural sanitation to the community members both males and females.
 To institutional service in organized sector and introducing proven technologies and ideas for better living.
 To Advocate for human rights and peoples initiatives for social justice.
 To make the awareness among the rural consumer about the consumer Act 1986 and formation of consumer clubs in Schools in Jammu for enhancing the awareness programme.

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