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P.S.Patil po Tavaragera tqkushtgi, Koppal
Koppal, Karnataka
Contact: prakasha. patil ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: prakasha

Activities: Children,Education,Welfare,Others

Aims: To provide education to devadasi children
Update on the work the organisation did for the devadasi children given below:
An educational centre for devadasi children              There is a need for an educational center for children living in pampanagar area. This place is in Taverekere village of Kustagi taluk, Koppal district in North Karnataka. 
          A main road divides Taverekere village, on one side is Pampanagara where devadasis and low caste community live. They are a community by themselves having their own well and drinking water supply. On the other side of the road the caste people live who do not mingle with Pampanagara people whom they consider as untouchables 
             Samuha had a children's centre at Pampanagara. Bhoodevi a Lingayat girl from the caste community was their teacher appointed by Samuha. Bhoodevi took training in teaching from me along with Shikshakra Samuha group of student teachers at Markalavara doddi in Deodurg taluk. I had visited her centre twice mainly to superwise her teaching. Since observing her teaching was my concern I didn't pay much attention to the children's background. 
             Three years ago, I got a chance to have a closer contact with these children and came to know more about their background. This is how it happened. On request from Samuha, I took up the training of 80 I.C.D.S. Anganwadi workers from 80 villages where Samuha had its developmental programs              Along with a team of two Shikshakra Samuha student teachers I conducted this training. For demonstration lessons and practical teaching by the trainees we needed children. For this Bhoodevi sent about 25 children of the age group 3+ - 6 years. we had about 4-5 classes with these children in two years time. This is the time we came to recognize the hidden treasure in these children. They were a group of intelligent,active,cheerful,warm and lovable children who responded spontaneously to our teaching. 
              Further enquiry about the community of these children, I found they belonged to poor, oppressed and exploited class, who were considered untouchables by the village. Nevertheless they used these people for their advantage and kept them suppressed. Though they are skilled people they were unable to develop their abilities and become persons of worth on their own and the society didn't give them a chance to develop their personalities. 
              Now the educational centre at Pampanagara has been closed because Bhoodevi is transferred to the computer center run by Samuha. The fate of the children who attended the center is, most of them roam about in the streets in their area. When they spot us in their area they come running to us asking ", teacher when are you starting the school for us? we are ready and waiting to come to school". 
              One of the student teachers of our team of Shikhakara Samuha who assisted me in the I.C.D.S. training, Prakash has a long cherished dream to start a school for children of Pampanagara and to give them a rich educational environment, where they get a chance to develop their personalities and grow into human beings with self worth and self confidence, contributing to their community and society at large. 
               Prakash is a young man of 24 years who needs encouragement, support and guidance to do this work in education and I am very happy to have atleast one student in all my years of teaching who has this vision in education. Many where trained by me, no doubt they were all motivated to teach and are doing some good work in various places. They have their own ambitions, vested interest and so they chose what was satisfying for them from this method and are functioning with satisfaction. 
               My job as a teacher I think is to support Prakash in his venture. This is where I am in my teaching career. My interest in education goes back to early 1960's when I started teaching in a high school. Ever since I have worked with different age groups of children of varying environments. Each group and each environment was a challenge in education, getting deeper insights into education. It is a learning and growing process for me along with the students. Seeing how each individual child blossomed in the learning environment was a great joy and satisfaction which nothing else in this world could give. I have written my experiences in teaching in the book " The Open Classroom; A journey through education" Orient Longman Publication 1999. 
                Now that Prakash is determined to start a center for these children in spite of problems and hindrances, I have to begin with where the student is and support his venture. This is because he asked me for guidance and support. 
                 To begin with I felt it is better to have a place of our own for the center. This is a decision taken based on my forty years of teaching experience. So with the savings I had we bought a plot in Pampanagara and started some construction. The base for compound wall and for the building is complete.Now we are in need of money to complete the construction. Meanwhile I.C.D.S. training which was my income source ended in march 2009. So at present Prakash and I do not have a job giving income. 
                  There is a possibility of conducting teacher training programs in one or two N.G.O groups. I hope to some extent the income from this will support the contruction of the centre, about 4 lakhs rupees is needed to complete the construction.If eveything goes well by god's grace the plan is to begin classes from January 2010. The children are ready and so is the teacher. 
                  Now a survey of the community has to be done and select about 20-25 children of the age group 3+ to 4+. Older children could be given after school activities to enrich their learning. This will be done gradually. To begin with, the children start with a few activities informally in the Samudaya Bhavan near to our building. This will enable them to get familiarized with schooling and get some discipline instead of roaming about. It will be a preliminary practice in schooling before they start in January. 
                   My belief in education is the personality development of a person which depends on emotional liberation. In my 45 years of teaching experience I have developed materials and method which are suitable for this development. It is very effective in a classroom environment. 
                   The pioneer of this method was Mrs Nadya O. Panth, a Russian Jew settled in America worked in Walden school in new york in the early 1930's. She married an Indian scientist Mr Bhola Panth in early 40's. she came to India and settled in Bangalore. It is providence that I happened to meet Nadya in early 70's . Since then she became my teacher, guide and mentor in my life and especially in education. She helped me to deepen my insights in education and thus I imbibed the true meaning in education from Nadya                    Not many are able to persevere and put into practice Nadya's concept of education. It needs hard work, keen observation, discipline,perseverance and above all dedication to work, along with genuine love for children and human beings. It is a choice one makes. As Nadya puts it " you do not need two legs to walk, you can even manage with one leg" I made a choice to walk with two legs. Now Prakash in his turn has chosen to walk with two legs. Hope he will persevere in his choice. Now that, there is an interested student I would like to apply this method systematically and scientifically to Pampanagara group of children and discover the potentials in education which will surely have an effect on those who are interested in this education.                    Alone, one cannot acheive this . We need the support and help of like minded people who are interested in the education of children. 

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