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ODD Foundation

MIG-82,Lane-9,Phase-1,Housing Board Colony ,Khandagiri
Khordha, Orissa
Contact: Nihar Dash ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9861027590


GENESIS of ODD FOUNDATION the various forms of human suffering were the areas of concern ODD FOUNDATION owes its origin to a particular conviction. The conviction was that all the emerging issues the world encounters today in the disparate field of poverty, illiteracy, social unrest, crime, terrorism, extremism, addiction, physical / mental ill health etc. stem from HUMAN INSANITY. To investigate into the domain of Human Insanity, an odd group of social and medical thinktank identified the world of Drug Addiction as the most suitable area for study. The field of human suffering is much wide, varied and multi-dimensional. Physical sickness, mental illness, addiction, societal rejection, poverty etc, the various forms of human suffering were the areas of concern. Mission :- To foster, promote and support Just, equal, participatory, self reliant and self-sustained development process among the disadvantaged sections of population as Drug Addicts, People with Mental Illness, People living with HIV/AIDS and People afflicted by poverty through individual/ family/community empowerment and capacity building. Vision Vision ODD FOUNDATION visualizes a Society free from Human Sufferings.
Tag - ODD Foundation,NGOs in Bhubaneswar, NGOs in Khorda,NGOs in Odisha, Indian NGOs, Indian NGO Database, Funds for Indian NGOs 

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