NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Behaeind indra hospital,viratnagar
Jaipur, Rajasthan
Contact: MALIRAM SAINI ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9829690724
Website: Not Available

Activities: Welfare
a. To work for holistic development of the entire society without discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, religion, origin, sex, and any other such ground.
b. To promote ethical and moral values among youth and divert their energy for social restructuring and human development.
c. To create awareness among rural communities, particularly the poor deprived and exploited ones, and establish appropriate institutions to enable them get benefited by various development schemes.
d. Propose specific programs to facilitate development of poor, deprived, backwards and marginalized sections of society.
e. To mainstream the women by ensuring their equal participation in the process development and creating awareness.
f. To help ages, physically/mentally challenged, and other marginalized sections of society and to work for their development.
g. To work for reducing the socio-economic disparities in rural areas, especially in case of poor, and make the rural population self dependant by promoting sustainable agriculture, cottage industry, technology, housing, education, health, entertainment, and other constructive activities.
h. To work and experiment for technological, organizational and other aspects of rural development programs with the view of raising effectiveness of these programs and ensure public participation.
i. To work for development of children and extend support to homeless children. To organize programs and campaign in rural area to ensure proper nutrition and care to new born.
j. To help victims at the time of natural calamities.
k. To collaborate with other organizations working with similar mandate.
l. To organize legal-literacy programs in rural areas. To create awareness among non-literates about their rights and help to get justice.
m. To create awareness and consciousness among people for a healthy democracy.
n. To help the administration in all its endeavors, create awareness in the society to strengthen nationalism by organizing street plays, discussions, seminars, debate write ups etc.
o. Organizing camps to eradicate mall practices, superstitions, exploitation etc from the society and strengthen socio-cultural values.
p. To open up and running offices, sub-centers, village development organizations at block/village level, legal committees.
q. Mobilizing resources by accepting donations, grants, gift, prize, from NGOs, government, semi-government organizations, trusts, tribunals, and financial institutions.
r. To accept savings and distribute them as loans for overall development of the society. To receive loans from financial institutions with a view of enhancing organizations’ resources to work for its objectives.
s. To work for eradicating mal practices prevailing in the society.

No profit motive involved in fulfilling these objectives.

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