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Yuva Vikash Kendra

51, East Chanmari, PO- Bankumari Via Kunjaban, Agartala, Tripura. Pin - 799006
West Tripura, Tripura
Contact: Debashis Majumder ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: +917005289794
Website: Not Available

Activities: Livelihood
About Yuva Vikash Kendra.
Youth is regarded as a transitional phase of man’s life. In future life whether one will grow up as a burden on society or a responsible citizen, depending upon the environment provided at this stage of life. Giving them a congenial atmosphere and positive direction helps them to become healthy and responsible members of the society. It is, therefore, very necessary to provide positive stimulation and congenial environment to this section of population. Failing to do these results in the bleak future of a nation. The country’s youths who are the future citizens, are naturally concerned with state of affairs in their country.

Keeping the above in view, young people came together to form Yuva Vikash Kendra organisation for constructive social work and for "Nation Building".The main problem before our nation today is the danger to its unity. We are a nation of diversities based on religion and cast, region, language, culture, etc. When we look at the world scenario we find that many nations have split into pieces due to diversities much less as compared to us. In the circumstances it is very necessary that if we intend keeping India as a one nation we must imbibe the spirit of oneness in all minds of our citizens and wake them to the necessity of rising above the barriers. Needless to say, it can best done at the adolescent age, which is an impressionable period of life. Hence the Yuva Vikash Kendra.

SECTOR/ KEY ISSUES: The basic task of the organization is to spread the message of Mahatma Gandhi’s and national unity, communal harmony and peace goodwill in the country, labour & employment, micro finance (SHG’S), Aged/Elderly, Agriculture, Art & Culture, Children, Civil Issues, Differently Abled, Disaster Management, Drinking water, Education &Literacy, Environment & Forests, Food Processing, Health & Family Welfare, Human Rights, information & communication, legal Awareness & Aid, land Resources, Vocational Training, Women Development & Empowerment, Tribal welfare, with the ideology of our father of nation.(gram swaraj)
Vision: To create a world where all young people are valued and thrive.
Mission: To Provide Catalytic Leadership, breakthrough knowledge and, innovative resources to advance the health of Children, youth, women, families and communities.
Details of Achievements: Working in Association with National Integrated Forum of Artists and Activities (Karnal, Haryana), National Youth Project New Delhi, Good Deeds Day Team (Taiwan), Gandhi Global Family (New Delhi), Gandhi Peace Foundation (New Delhi), Sarvodaya Samaj (Wardha, Maharashtra), Dattopant Thangri National Board for Education and Development (ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. Of India), Ekta Parishad (Bhopal), Mahatma Gandhi Seva Ashram ( joura, MP), The Academic Advisors (Sagar Mitra Abhiyan, Pune), Swasth Bharat Trust (New Delhi), YHAI Agartala Branch, organization has 5 District units office and running all the Programmes in those Districts. Organization has more than 5000 Volunteers till now. Organization send more than 1000 youths in Different parts of our country for Various National level Camps, workshops, Seminars etc. And also for youth exchange Programmes.

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