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Jubayer Masud Educational & Charitable Trust

H.O. Lengtisinga , P.O. Lengtisinga , Dist. Bongaigaon , Assam
Bongaigaon, Assam
Contact: Abdul Jalil Ahmed ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available

Activities: Education,Others,Human Rights
Jubayer Masud was a student of class III standard in Manah Jatio Vidhyalaya, Lengtisinga, Bongaigaon. But unfortunately he was kidnapped while coming back from school on 20th March/07 and brutally murdered. In his memory a public charitable trust is created namely “Jubayer Masud Educational & Charitable Trust” on 20-04-07. It aims mainly to shaped thousands and thousand Jubayer masud who become builders of nation . The mission of “Jubayer Masud Educational & Charitable Trust” is to promote the importance of Education, human rights and humanitarian. Issues, fundamental needs and the use of talents contacts and resources to bring practical solutions for the poor. Through its various programs “Jubayer Masud Educational & Charitable Trust” works for peace, communal harmony, Social Development,orphange, youth, Child and women welfare, social justice and empowerment, Education and. Self Employment etc.“Jubayer Masud Educational & Charitable Trust” is committed to support the Development initiatives and development process. Development process requires a bridge between the government and the public. People must aware about their rights and responsibilities. Its aim to work in partnership with the Government as well as like minded organization, supporting development initiatives. Educational Initiatives Education is the Fundamental right of the children. so, education is the main instrument that empower individuals. “Jubayer Masud Educational & Charitable Trust” aims to support. Student through its participation as creative education providers. Each child deserves an equal opportunity for all-round development. Therefore it is necessary to provide education in a very creative and meaningful way. Already a child education centre is established by the trust in a most remote area under the district of Bongaigaon to provide creative education that brings human values in children. In the same trust is to be financial support for poor students through School fee, books, note books and stationeries etc. Social Justice Initiatives Trust committed to aware people about the benefit and use of laws like Right to information, human right issues, violence against women, child lab our, dowry cost discrimination etc.

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