Mumbai City, Maharashtra
Contact: ANTONY SAMY ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9833051486
E-mail: alertantony@gmail.com
Website: www.alertindia.org
Vision: • ALERT-INDIA envisages promotion and protection of right to health for the deprived and vulnerable sections of the society and enables them to lead a dignified life.
Mission: • ALERT-INDIA is committed to be an institution of excellence in improving the health status of people afflicted by communicable diseases, primarily leprosy, TB and HIV/AIDS through strengthening the public healthcare systems towards building a sustainable programmes thereby ensuring availability of services that are equitable, accessible and affordable.
Objective: 1. To promote welfare of the general public and carry out programmes of preventive and curative health services, along with education and propaganda on health related issues.
• A special emphasis would be given to leprosy control activities, the primary object of the Association.
• All services would be provided without distinction of colour, caste, creed or religion.
2. To provide medical assistance in the form of hospitals, clinics, surveys or similar activities in order to prevent and cure leprosy, TB, AIDS and other diseases that afflict the community.
3. To conduct, manage, maintain, equip, administer hospitals, clinics and related institutions.
4. To print, publish, exhibit films, journals, periodicals, books, lectures and other reading or pictorial matters for the diffusion of useful knowledge and in keeping with the educational, medical and moral ideals of the society.
5. To educate, train and assist financially or otherwise in the education and training of teachers, social workers, staff, medical and non medical personnel for the purpose of activities and projects taken up by the Association.
6. To establish, initiate and undertake studies or research and maintain data and statistics in relation to leprosy work, TB, AIDS and other health related issues.
7. To perform all such acts as may be necessary or proper for the achievement of any or all the objectives of the Association.