NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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At-Purunabandha Po-Pallibandha
Ganjam, Orissa
Contact: D PURNA CHANDRA ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9937428802
Website: Not Available

Activities: Agriculture,Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Children,Education,Training,Organisational Devp,Research & Doc,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,Livelihood,SHG/IGP,Disaster Management,Aged,Youth,Water/Climate,Welfare,CSR,Pollution/Waste Mgt
Aims and objects of the Society
(a) To educate and ssist the rural and urban poor and provide them different facilities for their economical , social , cultural, Political and Moral development.
(b) To take preventive and protective measures against any form of injustice and exploitation in society by means of judicious trust , non-violence , legitimate and constitutional manner.
(c) To organize and establish the centre of social welfare , Music & Dance Academy, Mass & Adult Education, Agriculture,
Animal husbandry, Khadi and Village Industry, Library, Balwadis and Creches for distressed down trodden and mentally retards children.
(d) To undertake the relief and rehabilitation programmes during the times of natural disaster.
(e) To open charitable dispensaries such as Nature Cure hospital, Ayurvedic hospital Nursing homes, etc and to educate the people in respect of healthcare.
(f) To organize different programmes with training and vocational training facilities for the Youth, Women, Children and old people.
(g) To encourage the village people to form LOK ADALAT among themselves to solve their problems at their level.
(h) To enable people to be aware of the Government and Non Govt. Organisation Schemes.
(i) To educate and create awareness among the people about environment , Ecology, Biodiversity, Health, Women Issues, child Issues, Sanitation, Agriculture by holding camps, exposure , conference and trough media like News Paper, Magazines, Radio, Televisions.
(j) All the activities of the Society will be implemented without any discrimination of race, religion, sex, creed, politics and caste.
(k) To ensure preservation and protection of forest, environment and take all steps for their development to maintain Eco –system.
(l) To take up various programmes to check human rights violation for the betterment of Society as a whole.
(m) To take up different Study and research activities to save and safeguard the Society.
(n) To study and observe all Species of wild life found in the State of Odisha including all types of Animals, Birds, Reptiles and Insects.
(o) To identify the endangered Species of Wild life and take all possible Steps to preserve them and their environment
(p) To help the Socially, Educationally and Economically backward and Rural Community by organising educational Awareness Programmes and Training Programmes which will improve their knowledge in the field of Health & Nutrition, Socio- Economic development and Nation Integration.
(q) To undertake Social Forestry programmes by Planting trees , Plants and Forest.
(r) To work with people on Gender, Women right, Bonded labour, child labours and Legal right issues.
(s) To popularise various Govt. And Non govt. Programmes and Schemes on the basis of participatory Rural apical and people Action Research.
(t) To work in the field of personal Health Care, Reduction of MR & MMR, Home Sanitation, Safe drinking water and on preventive action.
(u) To do some welfare activities like popularise Population Control , Drugs abuse, Plantation, Adult & Mass education programmes, Women upliftment programmes , AIDs Awareness and Control Programmes.
(v) To organise meeting , Seminars, Conference and work achieving or furthering the aims of the Society
(w) In short, to do or cause to be done any all such acts or things shall be conducive to the Social, moral, ethical, civic or physical welfare or the Society provided such things or acts are not Contrary to, nor in consistent with the spirit and principle of the law and order under which the society has been registered

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