NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Dimapur, Nagaland
Contact: A SHYERHUNLO LORIN ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9856585169
Website: Not Available

Activities: Youth

1. NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION: The organization shall be called the “Youth Welfare Club” (YWC).
2. The Registered address of the organization: 6th Mile Sovima, near Tetso College.H/no-473 (E) Khel, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland.
3. Years of Formation: 30th March 2017.
4. Area of Operation: Nagaland.
5. Aims and Objectives of the organization.
The objectives for which the institution is established shall be as follows:
a. To improve the economic, moral, cultural, physical and social standards of youth in the area of operation of the institution.
b. To alleviate poverty and bring about better living conditions, mutual cooperation and unity among the community in general and youth in particular.
c. To start, encourage, assist and carry on such other activities which are incidental for developing the personality and competency of youth.
d. For furtherance of all or any of the aforesaid objects, institution shall have authority
i. To solicit, obtain or accept subscription, donation, grant, gifts, bouquets
and trusts from any person, firm, bank or local authority or corporate
bodies / or any institution and / or the union / state government.
ii. To acquire by gift, purchase, exchange, lease on hire or otherwise how so
ever any land, buildings easement or any property moveable and / or
Immovable and / or any estate or interest of the furtherance of all or any of
the objects of the institution.
iii. To build, construct and maintain house, structures, or buildings and alter, extend, improve, repair, enlarge or modify the same including any existing building (and to provide and equip the same with light, water, drainage, furniture, fittings, instruments, apparatus and appliance ) and all other necessities for the use to which such buildings is to be put up or held.
iv. To sell, manage, transfer exchange, mortgage, demise, lease or let out,
dispose of or otherwise deal with properties whatever (movable or
immovable) belonging to the institution.
v. To open and operate accounts in bank or to deal with bank in any manner whatsoever required, for furtherance of all or any of the objects of the institution.
e. To do all other lawful things incidental or conducive to attainment of any of the objects of the institution and to incur necessary expenditure thereon.
f. The profit of the institution shall be utilized for furtherance of the object of the institution.
6. The management of the affairs of the institution shall be entrusted to the duly
Constituted managing committee as provided in the rules and regulations of the institution from time to time.
7. The following persons shall constitute the first managing committee to administer the Youth Welfare Club.

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