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Jammu and Kashmir Academy Of Unified Martial arts

Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir
Contact: Rameez Khan ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9622202828

Activities: Training,Sponsorship/Adoption,Youth,Others
The Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Unified Martial Arts (JKAUMA), which is an amalgam of various clubs and Associations (practicing different forms of martial art), is one of the fastest growing sports body in the state.

Unified martial arts appeal to people from a range of backgrounds as it can be used for self-defense, competition fighting, and general fitness. The surge in unified martial art popularity has been evident at our clubs spread in the length and breadth of the state.

Established four years back, JKAUMA was able to attract thousands of young talented athletes at its affiliated clubs. Some of these members join for competition fighting whereas others join purely for the fitness benefits offered by unified martial arts. However, in the last about two years, the sport has attracted girls in the valley, who seek the training mostly for self-defense. Our Association seeks to fight the menace of drugs, promote fitness and endurance; as well as the sportsmanship and personal development that come with martial arts training.

Aims & Objectives of the Academy
To promote martial arts activities in the state
To organize and help martial arts activities at various levels in the state
To organize or help in holding national & international martial arts events in J&K
To participate in national tournaments in the country and outside the country
To organize coaching camps and seminars at various levels in the state
Training courses for instructors
Other activities for attaining the objectives listed above
Research cell for self-defense techniques
To foster a spirit of comradeship amongst the clubs recognized with us

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