NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Shehjar Welfare Trust

Magam Handwara J&K India
Kupwara, Jammu & Kashmir
Contact: NADEEM KHALIQ ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: Not Available

1. It shall be a Charitable Trust without any object of profit making and shall operate/ render services throughout India regardless of caste, colour or creed. 2. To spread, promote and provide education, and for that purpose to open, found, establish, support and maintain Schools, Colleges, Institutions and to grant certificates, diplomas and degrees of the Trust. 3. To engage as far as possible in emergency social activities such as famine and relief work, helping the victims of natural calamities and other activities which will help and uplift the needy and underprivileged in our community. 4. To promote and carry on health care by establishing and maintaining hospitals or clinics or by rendering other ,medical assistance and to undertake and assist other types of medical work including the training of doctors, nurses and paramedical workers. 5. To provide relief and assistance to handicapped, poor or needy persons and for that purpose to establish, maintain or support charitable institutions, which have the same or similar objects. 6. To establish and maintain welfare hostels, Religious Schools, skill training centres and as such to render assistance to the poor, marginalised, minority groups, handicapped, widows, orphans, street children, homeless, aged and victims of disaster and calamities. 7. To offer and provide consultative, technical and professional services to medical, educational and other institutions. 8. To arrange and conduct meetings, classes, seminars, workshops, conferences, campaigns, demonstrations, events, and lectures and to provide opportunities for study and research and to make the findings available to anyone who can use them for the benefit of mankind. 9. To offer cooperation and assistance to benevolent schemes which are in accordance with the objects of the Trust, whether such schemes are undertaken by the State or Central Government, by public or private agencies, by religious or philanthropic organisations/ bodies. 10. To offer cooperation to and actively engage in educational instruction, spiritual development and promote cultural understanding and to offer assistance and support to such Trusts or Societies and to respond to their invitation to help in all possible ways in keeping with the objects of the Trust. 11. To raise funds through donations, by request, by public subscription, by issuing appeals and by accepting contributions from State or Central Government, individuals, philanthropic bodies, religious bodies, institutions, local bodies and industrial concerns, limited or private, where so ever situated in the Union of India or abroad to fulfil the objects of the Trust. 12. To grant scholarships, stipends or subsidy to needy persons, institutions and organisations in keeping with the object of the Trust. 13. To subscribe or give donations and to financially or otherwise aid educational, benevolent, spiritual, charitable institutions, works and activities of other Trust or Society whose objects coincide or promote all or some of the said objects of the Trust. 14. To hold, lease or acquire of any kind moveable or immovable or property and sell or exchange the same and utilise the proceeds for the benefit of the Trust. 15. To invest or deposit money of the Trust, not immediately required for the purpose of the Trust, in a manner specified by the relevant rules in force from time to time. 16. To open and maintain offices, banking, telephones and other services in any part of the Union of India for carrying out the objects of the Trust. 17. To start printing, publishing firms and other media to undertake the printing and distribution of material which is relevant to the objects of the Trust. 18. To start or use television, radio, literature, internet, correspondence courses, satellite etc. with the purpose to educate society in understanding of welfare, community health, development, spiritual, family life, human rights and lifestyle that may help improve the society. 19. To establish and maintain contact and cooperate with other institutions, organisations in and outside India, having similar objects of this Trust and if the need arises then to take over such institutions, organisations and carry out affairs of such bodies under the banner of this trust. 20. To bring together scholars from around the globe and provide a forum for academic and social development. 21. To receive Indian or foreign volunteers with various skills to assist, help, aid and participate and help fulfil the objects of the Trust. 22. To establish associations, foundations and any other societies or organisations as may be deemed necessary by the governing body of the Trust. 23. To take up any other activities which may be decided by the Board of Trustees from time to time, which are not against the objects and basic principles of this Trust as mentioned in this Trust deed. 24. To do all such other lawful acts as may be necessary, incidental to or conducive to the attainment of the above aims and objects.

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