NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Positive Change for Marine Life

Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Contact: Dr Smitha D Gnanaolivu ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: +919840950343


We empower communities to take action for the ocean by developing long-term initiatives that benefit the sea and the people that rely on it for survival. Our global programs cover three key areas which, together, address some of the most pressing challenges facing our ocean and the communities who rely on it…

WASTE TO WEALTH Our Waste to Wealth program is an inspiring initiative that empowers communities to convert waste into valuable products. We are actively reducing marine debris, combating the devastating impact on marine ecosystems and human health. Our transformative approach goes beyond just addressing hard waste, single-use plastic and organic waste at its source; it creates a ripple effect of positive change. We establish locally-led, closed-loop social enterprise models, fostering sustainable solutions that benefit both the environment and the community. We are creating new jobs, improving health, and significantly reducing waste and pollution. Through supporting marginalised communities, we drive positive change and empower women and youth to find creative ways to repurpose waste and restore the beauty of our estuaries, coastlines, and the vast blue ocean.

REWILDING OUR FLOODPLAINS Rewilding our Floodplains is a game-changer, reversing the trend of land and coastal degradation. We’re leading community-driven restoration projects in waterways, estuaries and coastal areas, harnessing the incredible power of nature to rewild and improve catchment resilience to the effects of climate change. We’re pioneering innovative research and mapping programs to identify priority sites, monitor ecosystem health and empower community members to get involved directly through citizen science opportunities. Bridging the gap between industry, science, and conservation to preserve critical coastal ecosystems. We are proud to incorporate the whole community in our programs, including fishers, traditional custodians, tourism operators, farmers, recreational users, conservationists, government officials and scientists. We’re also demonstrating the wider benefits of healthy ecosystems, scientifically measuring co-benefits (better agricultural production, higher fisheries yield, improved water quality) of restoration through monitoring, environmental auditing and carbon storage assessments.

FISHING FOR CHANGE Fishing for Change is a program that helps coastal fishing communities develop sustainable fisheries models that balance conservation and economic returns. We work with communities to identify and implement management strategies that will protect fish stocks while also providing food, income, and long-term ecological resilience. We enable the collective voices of small-scale fishers to drive new, locally-managed marine protected areas (LMMPAS), which put livelihoods and human health first! We increase incomes for fishers and their families, increase the abundance of fish stocks, improve community cohesion and resilience, reduce dependency on alcohol, drugs, and violence, and enhance ecosystem resilience. We’re helping to ensure that fish stocks are managed sustainably, that fishers can earn a living, and that marine ecosystems are protected for future generations.

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