NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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People Community Development Society

1-2-331 Prakash Nagar. Near Pushpanjali
Cuddapah, Andhra & Telangana
Contact: Kesigari Chalamaiah ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: +919347845831

*MEMORANDUM OF COMMITTEE* Name of the Society : PEOPLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SOcIETY Address H.No 1/65F Prakash Nagar Yerraguntlla KADAPA-516 309 ANDHRA PRADESH THE AIMSAND OBJECTIVES A) To render free and selfless Social Service for the unprivileged classes irespective of Caste, creed and Religion. B) To develop Socio -Economical, cultural, Educational and Health, Agricultural and moral value of the unprivileged classes in the area. C) To establish and run the Model Schools, Residential Schools, Orphanage Homes, Day care centers, Destitute Home, Working Women Hostel, And other useful institutions to improve the Technical Education as weil as welfare of the dis-advantaged groups D) To introduce job orientated beauty parlor, Tailoring, Embodying and Skill development courses particularly for benefit of youth who are jobless so that they can have self-reliance and command respect among themselves. E) To provide Health care centers in general and special care for the mother and child health care programmes and to take up women and child welfare development programmes. F) To establish old-aged homes, orphanage and homes of destitute, hostels, working women homes and child care centers in order to develop both physical and mental growth. G) To take up disaster relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation programmes H) To run libraries and reading rooms, 100% literacy centers and training schools ) To extend medical assistance to needy. poor, helpless, chronics patients suffering with tuberculosis, paralysis, cancer, leprosy, AIDS etc.. J) Running of Balwadies and Crenches for taking care of children of working women to improve socio economic standards and to increase women living standards K) To start Ashram school, Minorities Welfare centers both boys and girls, Child Labour, Rehabilitations Schools, Sarva Siksha Abhiyas Schemes for the welfare Children in the Area. L) To implement Women and Child Welfare Programme, Mother and child care, Programmes, Health Care Centers etc., M) To take up sponsorship programmes for the poor and needy children for there better education and bright future N) To organize and start income Generation Programmes like Weaving Basket making, Mat Weaving. Handicrafts etc., to help the village artisans, craftsmen. To implement and maintain miltch animals, poultry, sheep rearing. sheep breeding. piggery, goattery, fishery etc., on scientific and modern lines by providing best guidance, intensive training besides providing financial assistance to those who are economically poor O) To from Thrift and Credit unions and receive loans from Rastriya Mahila Koash (RMK) NABARD, NORAD, NMFDC, HDFC, SIDBI, and other Abroad Agencies to inculcate the savings, loan repayments and also mutual enjoy the benefits of the members P) To educate the people about consumer Act 1986 and to take the advantage of the Consumer courts, Forums etc., and to promote and protect the welfare of the consumer by way of Trainings, Pamphilets distribution, posters, Audio and Video visuals etc. Q) To encourage the youth by participating the sports & Games and cultural activities in view to improve their health condition. R) To give a shade to the communities at the time of Natural havocs S) To provide mid day meal schemes, medical check-ups for the promotion of health and tri-cycles for the development of the physically handicapped persons. T) To encourage and take up the development Horticulture, Sericulture, Waste land Development Projects, Environmental and Ecological Balances, Tree plantations and suitable Welfare activities for the Rural Areas lke income generating schemes, Housing Schemes, Housing Schemes, Fomation of Roads, Drinking water facilities, Sanitation, Medical and Health Programmes, Air polution, construction of check dams to uplift the living conditions of the rural and downtrodden groups in the area. U) To raise and receive subscriptions, donations from members and local people to receive funds or grants in the shape of cash and kin from donor agencies both from our country and abroad and also utilze the subsidies, Margin money and other benefits from Govt. and Non-Governmental Agencies in view to run the programme for the rural and urban population. V) To take up such other lawful things as are incidental thereto and conductive to the attainment of all the above objects. projectslike agriculture

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