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"ACWAW" Action for Children,Women & Agricultural Welfare Society

Walgaon Road, Jameel Colony
Amravati, Maharashtra
Contact: M. Zia. Khan ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9272191923
Website: Not Available

Activities: Women/Gender,Children,Others

INTRODUCTION. We established this society in the year of 2002 for the help and improvement of children, women and agriculture’s present position in many more stages or fields Our member’s are professionals & when they saw the problem’s of women in the court premises, & the problems of there children’s, Family, when the source is not available to there livelihood. We decided that, we will be work to them to improve their skills, they’re daring, there boldness, & we started to work for needy women, their child’s, their young daughters, with the other weaker section of society.

Vision Developing Capabilities of Rural & urban poor, especially Children, Women, Women formers and young girls to enable them to lead the process of development for a better quality of life.


* Develop SHGs & young girls Self-Help-Group (Kishori Gat) as Village level institution to be the Core of development process.

• Build local Capacities of Rural poor especially women & young girls to form self -reliant people’s institutions.

* Evolve a Consensus for the formulation of gender equitable level development plan’s in the areas of education credit & health


* Development of Empowerment of marginalised group of Society i.e. Young girls, women, Child farmers of natural resources by Participatory method.

* Development of local leadership for sustainable development.

* In the 27 villages to actively organize young girls through (Kishori Gat) SHGs and women for social & economical development

* Provide vocational training’s to the girls & specifically deserted women.

* Empower and build self-confidence among the women & young girls so that they may fight for their right and justice.

* Provide emotional support and counseling to such women,

* Create awareness among adolescent girls and women by improving their skills in managing their family life.

MAIN ACTIVITIES 1 Natural Resource Management . Agriculture . Water Management . Vermiculture Compost 2 Village facilitation . Panchayat Raj institution . Gramsabha . Women Governance . Water & Sanitation Programmed 3 Women Resource Development & Education . Self Help Group’s . Proposed women Credit Co.-Op. Society in SHG . Kishori Gat (young girls Group). . Awareness programs for women . Family Counseling Center. . Pre –marriage Counseling Center . Proposed library for young girls & women . Young girls cultural center . Legal awareness program’s for women & young girls . Cultural Center for children in Rural Areas

* CONTACT PERSON * Advocate M. ZIA. KHAN (PRESIDENT) Near Masjid, Jamil Colony Walgaon road, Amravati .444605 Mobile –9271260096

The description of Project for which grant- in- aid “ ACWAW “, registered Volunteer Organization has been working from last 4 years in 4 talukas i.e. Amravati, Bhatkuli, Daryapur & Nandgaon Khandeshwar of Amravati district. We are mostly work with women, young girls, agriculturist (specifically women agriculturist) of RURAL AREAS about 27 villages. Our target is to reach 80 villages for empowerment women, young girls, agriculturist (specifically women agriculturist) in this financial year, on the issues of women, young girls, agriculturist (specifically women agriculturist) i.e…..

• Improvement in their vocational skills. • Aware to them about their right and liabilities for family & Society, • Promote to them to create self-help group for saving,. • Organize personality development programs for them. • Organize Social functions for them with aim to know the society & Culture, • Improve the negotiability’s, legal awareness programs • Empowered to understand themselves and there critical situation in terms of discrimination • Learning of other social issues – alcoholism, eve teasing, child marriage, dowry etc. • Facilitate health camps and health check up for immunization of children and mothers. • Organic farming with sustainable regenerative practices.

These improvements are in progress the expenses have been bearing by the executive member mostly and same other small contribution of society. But the work is very wide, while the resources are very limited. There is need to continue these programs for empowerment women, young girls, agriculturist (specifically women agriculturist) there is much need to improve the natural skills of empowerment women, young girls, agriculturist (specifically women agriculturist) which can support them in living life & also financially in their future there is need to start Vocational training their financial level & Confident. There is need to start regular pre-marital counseling center for young girls, Family counseling center for women, counseling centers for farmers, which can help to reduce the problems, which are arisen through petty issues. There is need to arrange to social tours them to negotiate their culture & improvement of negotiability of life & transfer their view ‘s to each other.

There is need to create platform for empowerment women, young girls, agriculturist (specifically women agriculturist) on which they conversant their problem’s to each other. There is need to arrange cultural & social program be for young girls, & women’s ‘s to exposed their natural talent. There are needs to arrange legal awareness programs for Knowledge about there right & liabilities as well as and their future protection for achieve of the abovesaid target we needed more money, become there is limited sources with us. If your organization can help financially or through any other type, which is possible for your organization, for handling abovesaid issues, We can achieve our target & with financial availability we can reach to 80 villages of 4 talukas of Amravati Distt. & We can work with empowerment women, young girls, agriculturist (specifically women agriculturist) at the end of this financial year 2006-10. ***

 Reg. No. * MAH /960 /2002 - AMRAVATI * Dated 13-12-2002 * F- 10874 /AMRAVATI * Dated 17-02-2003


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