NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Jan Nirman Kendra

Jay Ram Nagar, New Police Line Chowk, P.O. Kolhuapaigambarpur, Via M.I.T. Muzaffarpur
Muzaffarpur, Bihar
Contact: Rakesh Kumar Singh ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: Not Available
Website: nil

Activities: Women/Gender,Children,Health/Nutrition,Others,Legal Assistance
OBJECTIVES AND GOAL To Co-operate and join hands with the funding agencies for the high impact of following welfare and development programmes of Government and general lawful activities- v Jan Nirman Kendra is working for the development of the rural people areas, especially the weaker sections - women, girl child and dalits etc. at the grass root level. We also believe in the capacity building and empowerment of women and girl child, promoting volunteerism at the community level. Health, environment, training and studies are the other issues of concern. v Comprehensive participatory integrated and sustainable rural development through active parcipation of the actual benificiries. v Rules, standards etc so that the socio-economic changes, technical advancements and training needs are appropriately taken care of. v Use professional capacity in Human Resource Development Programme, for the foundation of useful human resource for prosperous and united India. v Step to step with planning of Government and execution of Programme in high rating and value added exposure. v Generate skill development and expert gob ally. v Shift and grow infrastructure, in rural and for-flung areas, to check urbanization MISSION Jan Nirman Kendra aims to innovate and demonstrate replicable and cost effective unorthodox strategies which facilitates participatory development processes leading to community empowerment Our Mission statement is “Transformational development of the people through participatory practices on sustained basis” we focus on women and child. At present, our organisation is undertaking various activities under following components- Women and child development programme, Sustainable rural development programme, Campaign on child labour, Street children, Environment, Panchayati Raj, Women and child rights, Campaign again women feticides, etc. We are raising fund through local contribution and member’s support to give pace of development. In this connection several national and international donors are providing support. We need much financial support for other operations. We are communicating with various donors too. Our Officials, members and grass root level volunteers are working very hard to give a new shape of the project area on all fronts-socio-economic and other social parameters. Our grass root workers and animators are reaching on the door stapes of under privileged and unnerved people for working with the Jan Nirman Kendra Thousand of people are supporting our views, vision and mission. We take a pledge to serve the common mass. Vision Jan Nirman Kendra, envisions creating an enabling environment of equal opportunities and access to information and development alternatives encouraging communities, especially the poor and marginalized to take informed decisions. De-roof the Social-evils, Support the helpless & children and develop ability and skill for resource utility, which, will be resulted into nation’s prosperity. OBJECTIVES AND GOAL To Co-operate and join hands with the funding agencies for the high impact of following welfare and development programmes of Government and general lawful activities- v Jan Nirman Kendra is working for the development of the rural people areas, especially the weaker sections - women, girl child and dalits etc. at the grass root level. We also believe in the capacity building and empowerment of women and girl child, promoting volunteerism at the community level. Health, environment, training and studies are the other issues of concern. v Comprehensive participatory integrated and sustainable rural development through active parcipation of the actual benificiries. v Rules, standards etc so that the socio-economic changes, technical advancements and training needs are appropriately taken care of. v Use professional capacity in Human Resource Development Programme, for the foundation of useful human resource for prosperous and united India. v Step to step with planning of Government and execution of Programme in high rating and value added exposure. v Generate skill development and expert gob ally. v Shift and grow infrastructure, in rural and for-flung areas, to check urbanization MISSION Jan Nirman Kendra aims to innovate and demonstrate replicable and cost effective unorthodox strategies which facilitates participatory development processes leading to community empowerment Our Mission statement is “Transformational development of the people through participatory practices on sustained basis” we focus on women and child. At present, our organisation is undertaking various activities under following components- Women and child development programme, Sustainable rural development programme, Campaign on child labour, Street children, Environment, Panchayati Raj, Women and child rights, Campaign again women feticides, etc. We are raising fund through local contribution and member’s support to give pace of development. In this connection several national and international donors are providing support. We need much financial support for other operations. We are communicating with various donors too. Our Officials, members and grass root level volunteers are working very hard to give a new shape of the project area on all fronts-socio-economic and other social parameters. Our grass root workers and animators are reaching on the door stapes of under privileged and unnerved people for working with the Jan Nirman Kendra Thousand of people are supporting our views, vision and mission. We take a pledge to serve the common mass. Vision Jan Nirman Kendra, envisions creating an enabling environment of equal opportunities and access to information and development alternatives encouraging communities, especially the poor and marginalized to take informed decisions. De-roof the Social-evils, Support the helpless & children and develop ability and skill for resource utility, which, will be resulted into nation’s prosperity.

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