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Near Govt. Hospital,At/Post - Rajim,
Raipur, Chhattisgarh
Contact: Mr. R.G. Sinha ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09424218653
Website: Not Available

Activities: Agriculture

ABOUT PRERAK Prerak is a non-profit making non-political, non-religious, non-government voluntary organization working since 2nd October 1988. It was founded by the community experienced personnel and volunteers to fulfil the social needs of the human being of the community at Gariaband, Dist Raipur (CG).

Developed the strategies of the SC, ST & OBCs and other downtrodden people basically stressed the priorities on women and to aware them about their fundamental rights and duties on the community and how they will take care of the environment for their self sustenance. Prerak is registered under the Madhya Pradesh societies registration act 1973,and FCRA under ministry of home affairs govt. of India and income tax act 12 A Madhya Pradesh, and also registered under PWD act. Recently it has applied for registration under rehabilitation council of India (RCI).

ORIGIN OF PRERAK PRERAK – a social development non-profit making organization took its birth in 1988. Its mission was to empower the powerless people of Chhattisgarh, and to make the state better, ending poverty and violations of people’s rights. It tried to nurture people’s power and true democracy where power lies with the powerless people as the basic part of empowerment. After registration in 1989, it actively involved in the social change process. In the previous years it has contributed a lot of action oriented development initiatives and public advocacy efforts to realize its mission towards a just society based on freedom, justice, equality and peace; and where all rights of human persons are enjoyed and respected, gaining empowerment. It also focused its attention to facilitate peoples’ power and resources through its action programs in the field of education, health, economic and women development with the tribal and other dalits. In the process of achieving the dreams it has taken integrated development approach and community organization with the special attention to capacity building of poor and facilitating women as key group of change, believing in integrated attack on poverty and injustice recognizing root cause at material need and power relation in the area. VISION

The main vision of PRERAK is to establish concretized-structured organizational strategies for changing the lifestyle of the human being and to be self-dependent, healthy, and wealthy in the community through the peaceful interaction and avoid the social violence, exploitation and injustice.

MISSION The mission of the PRERAK is to empower the manpower basically the women skills through our trained professional guidance to develop the village level activities for sustaining & surviving to the environment on the behalf of the human being in the society. As our target is, by for and of the people.

OBJECTIVES The main objective of the PRERAK is to promote the awareness about the following few lines for the human beings as follows.

To promote awareness for surviving their cultures, customs and traditions in the community.

To promote awareness regarding their social education and health situation.

To promote awareness for themselves to solve the own problems through a scientific analysis. To make creativeness for participating with their group activities of the people individual and group towards community building.

To motivate the women to be free from their social limitations and to get equal rights on the society.

To promote awareness to take control, development and protection of the natural resources like water, land and forest.

To make village committees empower to take responsibility of women and childcare development programs.

Publication to people about useful education, traditional techniques and sustainable new techniques.

To promote regeneration and reestablishment of permanent and helpful means of income generation.

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