NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Integrated development Center (IDC)Thamarassery

IDC Thamarassery,Near Civil station,Thamarassery,Calicut.India.
Kozhikode, Kerala
Contact: KKM Haneef ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09895668288
Website: nill

Activities: Agriculture,Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Micro Finance,Organisational Devp,Health/Nutrition,HIV AIDS/SRH,SHG/IGP,Youth,Welfare,Pollution/Waste Mgt,Capacity Building



“To mould a self relient Society and well-to-do people based on value system”


1. To work for the social welfare of the poor, oppressed, and marginalized especially for the women, youth and children, handicapped and destitute.

2. To start job-oriented and vocational training centers for the skill development of the poor youth, women and farmers.

3. To cooperate with like-minded organizations, agencies and individuals to promote sports, culture and art and work for the integral development of the locality.

4. To enlighten, educate and uplift young men through seminars, classes, camps and other job-oriented training programmes.

5. To work for the total literacy campaign.

6. To undertake emergency, relief and rescue operations in the times of natural calamities, accidents, epidemics, financial crises and sickness.

7. To provide health and educational programmes and start institutions for health promotions.

8. To motivate social development centers by forming net works of development organizations to share and disseminate development experiences and collective actions.

9. To promote net works of grass root level Community Based Organizations

10. To start rural cooperative societies and banks for the development of poor people in the rural areas

11. To conduct survey, research study in development areas and to set up a documentation centre

12. To form self help groups in the rural and urban areas

13. To provide counseling and guidance to the people for strengthening family relationships

14. To conduct environment promotion activities

15. To promote renewable energy technologies, activities and programmes at grass root level such as Bio-gas, Solar, Wind, Hydel, Geothermal Energy and other alternative source of energy programmes in a system attic manner

16. To publish periodicals/development news letters among members/ folders/charts etc. with a systematic documentation through collection of ideas, reports of participation at different level of development programmes and the research/development etc carried our in the field of rural development

17. We will assist and co-operate with Kerala Vanitha Commission for the empowerment, development and welfare of women and keep up their needs and interests.

18. We will register in Kerala Vanitha Commission and ready to obey their rules and regulations and work for their women welfare programmes immediately. The responsibilities of registration are given to the Chairman and Director.

19. We will cooperate with Central Board for Workers and Education and implement their educational programmes. Mision:“Enhancing the capacity of the rural poor for sustainable and equitable development by imparts them in social activities”.

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