Warangal, Andhra & Telangana
Contact: RAJESH KUMAR PASUNURY ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 9347914408
E-mail: nyasscgl@gmail.com
Website: N/A
The youth are a major human resource for development and thus key agents of social change, economic development and technical innovation. There is, therefore, a need for youth involvement and participation in the socio-economic, cultural and political environment of a country, in its development programmes, as well as in activities based on the youth’s specific needs, desires and aspirations.
The Navayuga Youth Development Center facilitates the mobilization of the rural youth, in the age group of 13to 35 years, towards this end. Now the largest grass root level voluntary organization of its kind in the Warngal District.
The Youth Association was established to harness and channelize the power of youth on the principles of voluntarism, self-help and participation. On the present reckoning, youth in India forms nearly 42% of the total population, which has already crossed 1billion mark. India’s youth also account for 52 percent of the world’s total youth population. This is a vital vibrant and dynamic human resource having bearing on the future state of not only India but also the entire world. A young youth by doing some dynamic social activities in the surrounding areas getting best wishes and blessing from the people that is NAVAYUGA YOUTH ASSOCIATION–CHAGAL Station Ghanpur Mandal in Warangal District, A.P The Navayuga Youth Association members are voluntarily participating Government and non-Government activities in the area particularly public welfare programmes and giving more inspiration to younger generation of rural areas.
Through a vast network of youth clubs mahila mandals and self help groups at the grass-root level. Through NYK, these village-based organizations have become local pressure groups as well as catalytic agents for socio-economic, cultural, political and environmental transformation. The groups have in fact become Functional Action Groups with rural sustainability and self-reliance as their hall mark. When viewed in these terms, the role of NYA could be defined as that of not merely an organization but a mass movement.
GENESIS The Navayuga Youth Association was established on 20th March 1998 as NAVABHART YOUTH ASSOCIATION with only eleven members only but now as its grew up to 50 members. The organization founder P.Rajesh Kumar & Late Sri S.Santhosh. The was registered in 1998 under Andhra Pradesh (AP) (Telanga Areas) Public Societies Registration Act 1350 Fasli at Hyderabad. On 7th April 1998 the same youth association was registered as Navayuga Youth Association instead of Navabharath Youth Association.
With objective of providing the non - student rural youth with the opportunity to grow and achieve national goals. The organization’s strategy has been generation of awareness; organizing on and mobilizing of the youth for development work in the villages, with emphasis on Value, Vision and voluntary action.
The goals of Navayuga Youth Development centre are.
To involve the rural youth in nation building activities
To develop their values and skills so that they become productive, responsible citizens of modern India.
To work towards promoting an environment where all-irrespective of caste, color, gender or religion-find equal opportunity to serve the nation.
To pursue self-sufficiency in resources.
To utilize the network of NAVAYUGA YOUTH DEVELOPMENT CENTRE for the development and promotion of programmes in the priority sector of empowerment generation, literacy and family welfare.
To empower women through increased outreach and coverage of education, better health care and diverse income generating activities.
In essence, NAVAYUGA YOUTH DEVELOPMENT CENTRE is an organization committed to fulfilling the combined vision of Gandhiji’s village development programme and Nehruji’s vision of a self-reliant modern India. REACHING OUT TO YOUTH NAVAYUGA YOUTH DEVELOPMENT CENTRE-CHAGAL promotes leadership, character development, community service, self-reliance, secularism, democracy and patriotism, as the essential factures for national development, the organization conduct various programmes aimed at mobilizing the youth in the direction, thus building a sense of national identity and national integration, based on eschewing fear terrorism and violence.