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Jupiter Academy

A-1489/7indira nagar lucknow
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Contact: sandeep bhatnagar ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: 09616217737

Activities: Education
Why do we exist? The reason of our existence is to pave the way for self-dependence among the children of the underprivileged families as also extending a helping hand by way of financial support to the elderly persons who have none to look after. For youth and the middle-aged what is utmost necessary is gainful employment which can enable them to take care of the upbringing of the children and look after of the ageing parents and dependents. Thus the vision of the Academy is “spreading the light of education and entrepreneurship to make the society free from hunger and ignorance”. The mission of the Academy is "to enable the underprivileged children and persons to have access to education, health service and employment or entrepreneurial skill to attain economic self dependence and social empowerment.” What do we do? In order to achieve the goals set out the Academy is engaged in the following set of activities- 1. Running informal schools to prepare the children for mainstream education. 2. Providing teaching support to school dropouts and arranging bridge-courses. 3. Conducting action research and preparation of IEC material and developmental literature for the benefit of voluntary organizations engaged in education, livelihood, gender equity, social justice and sustainable environment. 4. Spreading awareness on health among the underprivileged families for the well being of the community. 5. Holding child right training programs as also workshops on childhood, NREGA, RTI & Family Life Education (FLE) . 6. Organizing need based vocational training programs. Our activities and programs Presently we are working under the project “Badhtey Kadam – Dasha ko Disha” in alliance with Smile Foundation India, New Delhi which consists in organizing educational program and health camp & also vocational training courses. The Academy has launched its own scheme “Berozgar ko Rozgar” under which the unemployed youth differently enabled persons and the helpless aged persons are assisted by way of credit to run their own ventures like shop, service centers and vending stalls.

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